We're going to war......again.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Ladies, I have called upon you to stand again and be counted. I made a promise and I intend to have you back me up on that promise. The United States, but mostly me, cannot be made to look like an impotent fool. I have sent Secretary Kerry out to make a statement and lay out the case against President Assad (that way you can't say I did something, I have plausible deniability). We will not show you the evidence but take our work for what we say. I have told some people in Congress but I will not let them vote on using force (they might say no). I am going this alone, I mean we are going this alone, wait! I really mean that we ARE NOT going this alone. The French are with us (to a point) and that should be enough.

To conclude; I will not let Assad pollute our natural fluids and we will keep ourselves pure for tomorrow. I have sent my best negotiator...

Wha...No, not this guy, the other guy

Yes, this negotiator....YEEHAWWWW!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Can we just talk about Miley some more? Beat FuckZup to it. LMAO

Unlike Bush, who had a coalition of the willing; Obama will take us to war on our own.

Just a year ago, Obama opined that it would be a "mistake" to take unilateral action.......another Obama lie goes unnoticed by the media.

Obama is the kind of leader who creates more problems in the world; his serial weakness in global politic has caused world wide problems, not just for America, but others.

At home, his weakness (failures) have created chronic hardships on our economy and American workers...note I do NOT include American citizens who are on the dole (by record numbers under Obama stewardship).

Can we just talk about Miley some more?

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-30-2013, 12:50 PM
Let us wait and see which war cost more both in terms of American lives and money. Syria or Iraq....
Seeing no decision has been made at this time it is more BS from the spin Doctor.
Did JD go on record yet in his other Syria thread? Or just the rest of us?

If so, what is his stand? He seems to imply a lot, but doesn't explicitly state anything.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I hope you assholes are the first to enlist... I hear downtown Damascus is beautiful...
LexusLover's Avatar
Let us wait and see which war cost more ... Syria or Iraq.... Originally Posted by WTF
"Tossing some missiles" isn't "a war"!

It's about like you saying hitting a few balls at the range is a tournament.

But if it gives you an opportunity to deflect the topic to one you know more about ... then have at it.
Clinton did it. He is the most popular former President who is alive.

There is a method to this madness.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-30-2013, 04:40 PM
"Tossing some missiles" isn't "a war"!

It's about like you saying hitting a few balls at the range is a tournament.

But if it gives you an opportunity to deflect the topic to one you know more about ... then have at it. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Exactly LexusLiar...and if you notice, I wasn't the one that started this thread about a faux war.

I just compared it to a real invasion/war. Bunch of God Damn Chicken Little's posting in this thread acting like this is a war.
Did JD go on record yet in his other Syria thread? Or just the rest of us?

If so, what is his stand? He seems to imply a lot, but doesn't explicitly state anything. Originally Posted by ExNYer
We know who JD voted for and we know why.

We know you voted for Omarxist and claim to be a Republican. Why do you hate all conservatives? We need you to go on the record and explain this.

What is your sister doing tonight?
JCM800's Avatar
Can we just talk about Miley some more? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
you think you're qualified to discuss twerking?
JD is a accomplished twerker.
you think you're qualified to discuss twerking? Originally Posted by JCM800
Poor Little Miley forgot the first rule of "twerking", that is, you gotta have an ass first.