Ladies, I have called upon you to stand again and be counted. I made a promise and I intend to have you back me up on that promise. The United States, but mostly me, cannot be made to look like an impotent fool. I have sent Secretary Kerry out to make a statement and lay out the case against President Assad (that way you can't say I did something, I have plausible deniability). We will not show you the evidence but take our work for what we say. I have told some people in Congress but I will not let them vote on using force (they might say no). I am going this alone, I mean we are going this alone, wait! I really mean that we ARE NOT going this alone. The French are with us (to a point) and that should be enough.
To conclude; I will not let Assad pollute our natural fluids and we will keep ourselves pure for tomorrow. I have sent my best negotiator...
Wha...No, not this guy, the other guy
Yes, this negotiator....YEEHAWWWW!