Bill Maher Accurately Describes Eccie Obamatons

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Bill Maher: ‘Liberals Are Just Sometimes Useless Obama Hacks’

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The useless Obama hacks are avoiding this post. I like it, so I'll bump it.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The useless Obama hacks are avoiding this post. I like it, so I'll bump it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
They should be called "The Clan of Useless Obama Hacks".
Yeh, I saw that too.

He made the point that there is nothing, and I mean absolutly NOTHING, that this President can do that will offend them.

It's difficult to criticize when you are down on your knees giving The President a blow job.
What you are saying is one of the biggest liberal hacks is eating his own?
A betrayal of America is the only way I can describe how the media has let Obama get away with his lies, incompetence and deceptions.
Have you ever said that before, or only when Obie elected?
boardman's Avatar
Bill Maher is a (bad) comedian who makes his living by stirring the pot from whichever way the polls tell him to.
I give him about as much credence as I do Dennis Miller who 10 years ago was about as liberal as they come. Today he does a weekly routine on O'reilly bashing liberals.
It's a schtick. Nothing more.
lustylad's Avatar
Dennis Miller was "about as liberal as they come"? I don't think so. He's from my hometown so I've followed him for years, including his skits on Saturday Night Live and his short-lived career as a Monday Night Football co-host. He's never been a libtard.
boardman's Avatar
Dennis Miller was "about as liberal as they come"? I don't think so. He's from my hometown so I've followed him for years, including his skits on Saturday Night Live and his short-lived career as a Monday Night Football co-host. He's never been a libtard. Originally Posted by lustylad
Maybe "about as liberal as they come" was an exaggeration. But he was liberal:

Thing is I really don't know if any of these comedians believe what they say or if they are just pandering to their particular audience so I don't take any of them too seriously. I certainly don't take a person seriously that uses their comments to defend or advance a political position. Others include John Stewart and the guy that mocks O'reilly.

Are they funny? Yeah, sometimes. Right now Stewart is probably the best of the bunch. Much of his humor has to do with delivery and not necessarily the content.
maher is attempting to claim his right to the use of his shows title..politically incorrect

heretofore, there has been a great dichotomy between the title and the show
pyramider's Avatar
Wasn't Politically Incorrect, the original cable version, more moderate than his current show, Real Time? I seem to remember Maher going after all comers, liberal or conservative. It was fun to watch all squirm in their chairs. I like Real Time but there are times when it is so skewed to the left it seems to lose credibility.

Dennis Miller used to have a conservative radio talk show. He went from moderate to conservative in a flash.
The liberals loved Bill Maher when all he did was bash Republicans. Whenever someone said he was nothing but a comedian, the liberals said he was an honest news persona. Wonder how honest they think he is now. Watch them turn from him in droves.
Bill Maher is an Obamaton
  • jwood
  • 07-17-2014, 05:39 PM
Would never waste my time watching Bill Maher because he's a DickHead