CMWYL Retired

She's gone. I give her better then 50-50 chance of returning. Regardless, I thought she was a really cool chick. Wish her well.

Funny part on her goodbye post on tos....she thanked everyone but Charliegirl. Per her post
"Charleygirl is a pretentious cunt". LMFAO.

Of course the site quickly pulled the post.
Well, she kind of is. Just saying.

As with anyone who retires wish them well and the best for their future. With any luck, they will go on to bigger and better things.
She'll be back.
eyecu2's Avatar
Most women can be pretentious, and all of them can act like cunts; sometimes it's deservedly even.
bambino's Avatar
Maybe she just retired from Indys?
Maybe she just retired from Indys? Originally Posted by bambino

Her goodbye message seemed to indicate from it all. The cunt comment wiped that message away.
Go away for several days into no cell zone and come back to this ?
Sorry I missed that post.

Sam's a nice girl who I hope has a very happy future ahead of her.
Go away for several days into no cell zone and come back to this ?
Sorry I missed that post.

Sam's a nice girl who I hope has a very happy future ahead of her. Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
The post was hilarious. Sam is a pretty good writer and always as middle of the road and non-confrontational as they get. Not that I have anything against CG...don't know her. Just thought it was funny how brutally blunt it was coming from such a seemingly mild and friendly personality.
Big Stig's Avatar
The post was hilarious. Sam is a pretty good writer and always as middle of the road and non-confrontational as they get. Not that I have anything against CG...don't know her. Just thought it was funny how brutally blunt it was coming from such a seemingly mild and friendly personality. Originally Posted by Charley3
She was non-confrontational as long as everyone was kissing her ass and stroking her huge ego. Which is pretty much BAU on Indys.
bambino's Avatar
She was non-confrontational as long as everyone was kissing her ass and stroking her huge ego. Which is pretty much BAU on Indys. Originally Posted by Big Stig
Yeah, lots of ass kissers on Indys.
She was non-confrontational as long as everyone was kissing her ass and stroking her huge ego. Which is pretty much BAU on Indys. Originally Posted by Big Stig

I didn't know her well so can't vouch for the ego thing. It is almost laughable the hoe-worshiping that goes on with some of her fans. That Talbot dude may never get over her loss. lol
I didn't notice it going to her head as far as posting style but I wouldn't doubt it. I just love a good ole hoe-cat fight. Wish they wouldn't have pulled the plug on this one.
bambino's Avatar
I didn't know her well so can't vouch for the ego thing. It is almost laughable the hoe-worshiping that goes on with some of her fans. That Talbot dude may never get over her loss. lol
I didn't notice it going to her head as far as posting style but I wouldn't doubt it. I just love a good ole hoe-cat fight. Wish they wouldn't have pulled the plug on this one. Originally Posted by Charley3
PI pulls the plug on anything that will cause people to PM him to bitch. Besides Mallory, I don't think there are any moderators. It's pretty mundane now. I could be wrong.
bigdickdaddydom's Avatar
she was cool. did her dog ever pull thro?
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 09-19-2017, 08:46 AM
She was an overpriced, self absorbed child if you ask me.

Having illegal items out in plain view, while hosting, was a completely stupid thing to do, in the one time I saw her.

Mediocre encounter at best, in a lousy location, with too many neighbors who had "Eye" problems, meaning they were wide open and looking at me when I arrived, with no damn house number on the place, and even MORE alert after I knocked on the wrong door.

Then, the move to Monger, bascially becoming a pimp, and increasing her prices from high to outrageous?

Nope, not sad to see her gone, young, dumb, and incapacitated for a session, is not what I am looking for.
blkstocking's Avatar
I never met her. However, RMAO about CharlieGirl. I agree and would take it about 25 steps further. And PI has the right of it...who wants to read a bunch of PMs bitching about the petty crap that goes on.

DEVO - you, my friend, are much to professional a hobbiest for the millennial ho. They figure as long as they are thin, they should be paid. Gawd, who wants an incapacitated ho. Takes the point right out of it. Can get that at home.