Why in your opinion is going to a prostitute still illegal in the US?

tatasddd's Avatar
We all know it happens everywhere and it will never be stopped, but why do you personally think this activity is still illegal? Some say taxes, but that just doesn't hold and is a cheap argument. Many activities don't get taxed either. Some say religion, some say protection and what not kind of bullshit.

So let's debate and hear some personal opinions as to why it still remains not legally allowed.

I personally detest the law enforcement profession and it is not by accident that people say if you can't be anything else you become a fucking cop. There is quite a good reason that was said. It takes a certain retarded personality and some hard to grasp duty of service to become a cop. Fucking retards, but let's hear some opinions and debate on the matter why something so cool and great still remains illegal in this country.
blkstocking's Avatar
I think there is an argument to be made that prostitution takes advantage of women...even if it is there "choice." They may have no other choice, or their parents have them do it, or a habit requires the cash, etc. Once in that lifestyle, it is difficult to get out. It's rare that a woman with other options of employment make the choice to do this work. I have met several that did. Some keep their other job, some do not. I have not seen that it is a major issue in countries where it is legal. While it still isn't a profession that is looked up to, doesn't have the same stigma as here. Neither have I seen where those women are unable to get out of the profession or are somehow locked into the choice they made. I will admit that I haven't spent enough time in those countries to make a study of it.

To the question of why is it still illegal? No group of politicians have the political courage to make it legal.
tatasddd's Avatar
I think there is an argument to be made that prostitution takes advantage of women...even if it is there "choice." They may have no other choice, or their parents have them do it, or a habit requires the cash, etc. Once in that lifestyle, it is difficult to get out. It's rare that a woman with other options of employment make the choice to do this work. I have met several that did. Some keep their other job, some do not. I have not seen that it is a major issue in countries where it is legal. While it still isn't a profession that is looked up to, doesn't have the same stigma as here. Neither have I seen where those women are unable to get out of the profession or are somehow locked into the choice they made. I will admit that I haven't spent enough time in those countries to make a study of it.

To the question of why is it still illegal? No group of politicians have the political courage to make it legal. Originally Posted by blkstocking
Why? Their wives will divorce them lol?
They cant tax it!!
Highwayman64's Avatar
Overall I think for several reasons. The politicians have found no way to tax it like the member previously stated. Also it's political suicide in there eyes, as many of the dedicated voters are the elderly folks. Not to say the elderly don't like a blow job now and then. Was it the movie Tommy Boy that had the line of an older lady saying "Then the whores come in"....
Maybe after another generation the "hobby" will be more accepted....
tatasddd's Avatar
Yes it can be taxed. They just lack competence how to tax it. I know of at least 2 ways how it can be taxed. Aldo, they do not allow this but allow pornography. See how they think. The difference between a prostitute and a porn actress is the lights and the camera. I think it's just their total stupidity. So we find a way to tax buildings, cogs, pop etc and can't find a way to tax this? Lack of intelligence and competence.
You're probably correct that it would be "easy" to tax the business, or at least the transaction... Sort of... Allowing a person who is a self employed contractor to claim taxes on personal reported income exists right now. Tattoo artists, freelance writers and artists, almost anyone who isn't incorporated and runs a "private business" do so currently. (Theoretically speaking, that is.) If the situation was solely based on math, the biggest hurdle would be trusting that the private industry reports accurately.

It's not based on the math, though. Use this example; the state of Colorado voted yes on proposition 64 in 2012, effectively making recreational and medicinal cannabis legal. Dispensaries were opened, an entire cannabis tourism industry blossomed, and the businesses are doing well. Under federal law, however, neither the sale or production of cannabis is legal, leaving these businesses unable to pay federal tax on their earnings/ income. It has been six years.

The reason for this is as previously stated, nobody is pushing for it. No politician is going to want to put their name on a bill that their constituents consider "immoral or wrong." Given enough time, the culture might change enough that the government no longer sees the behaviour as immoral, wrong, or against the preference of the voters.

I wouldn't bet on the attitude changing any time soon, however. Remember that we have challenges almost every year to Roe v Wade. That decision was made close to 50 years ago. We are governed by representatives of the people, the people are divided about what's "right and wrong" and that's only considering what's already on the books.

The majority of the U.S. isn't ready to even think about this issue, therefore the politicians do not care.
tatasddd's Avatar
The solution is simply an 800 reporting number where you report that you say had a client from 8 to 9 and you got paid 200. This without revealing the clients name or anything. Simply that you had a client, respectively calling in all clients for the day. If you don't or get caught then go to prison for 10 years. This way the hobby will be legal, income will be reported and the accuracy is guaranteed by the prospect of you being imprisoned if you do not report income. Every state can run its own reporting number. One way of solution. There are more.
DocHolyday's Avatar
The government can't figure out how to make money off of it via taxes because it is a cash business. It's legal in brothels in Nevada but far more illegal activity takes place outside the legal brothels.
tatasddd's Avatar
The government can't figure out how to make money off of it via taxes because it is a cash business. It's legal in brothels in Nevada but far more illegal activity takes place outside the legal brothels. Originally Posted by DocHolyday
I really think the people in power, the government are fucking retards. They can make it credit or debit card business only and force the providers to buy processing machines. Or it can be cash and card but both reported daily or weekly to an 800 number run by a state or special irs branch. If there's WILL there is WAY.
There's no will to do it.

Even if there was, I would never support the government regulating a private business to only allow payment via card. Cash is legal tender for all debts, public and private. The government has no place telling a business what currency they can accept.

Taxation is a moot point because it's not going to be decriminalized.

I really think the people in power, the government are fucking retards. They can make it credit or debit card business only and force the providers to buy processing machines. Or it can be cash and card but both reported daily or weekly to an 800 number run by a state or special irs branch. If there's WILL there is WAY. Originally Posted by tatasddd
tatasddd's Avatar
Fuck the government! It happens anyway lol

Fuck the police too!