Money VS Happy

Guest012211-3's Avatar
For those of us who are 30+ in age, would you give up your current career or financial stability to start over with the one you truly love?

Suppose you meet "the one" later in life, but you have to relocate, start over or pay large sums in Alimony or child support. Are you willing to make financial sacrifices if it means living a happy life with a new love? Even if it's just temporary, say 2 years, could you do it? Or would you long for those great vacations, carefree spending, or fine dining experiences?
atlcomedy's Avatar
I think that is an interesting academic question but difficult to answer accurately in the absence of actually living thru the situation (and no 2 situations are the same).

I'd be more interested in hearing from people that did choose love over money (or chose not to). Happy? Regrets?
Guest012211-3's Avatar
I think that is an interesting academic question but difficult to answer accurately in the absence of actually living thru the situation (and no 2 situations are the same).

I'd be more interested in hearing from people that did choose love over money (or chose not to). Happy? Regrets? Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Absolutely! Would love to hear the same feedback...
At one point not too long ago, I did choose love over the stability and trust I had with my ex-wife of 20+ years of time. I truly regret that decision as it was one of the worst decisions I have ever made because the one I believed proved beyond a shadow of a doubt all she ever cared about was money, herself and nothing more.

Now, if I were to find The One that I was meant to be with would I let my heart lead me? Depends on what The Lord told me to do. Most here want to either deny that or they don’t understand that and that is fine for them. I, however, learned from my mistakes and I realized that there is a better way of conducting my life. If she is The One I am supposed to be with then yes, I would do whatever I needed to do for her and me with a smile on my face each and every day.

Now my life is quiet with peace and I am happy although it took awhile for me to adjust. Once I did, it has been really good and I don't miss the faux love one damn bit although I do miss the companionship and connection I once had with my ex-wife.
Sydneyb's Avatar
I firmly believe that the two need not be mutually exclusive. For me, his (and by extention; our) financial security is a requirement, but not the only requirement.

I want it all. The love, the sex, the lifestyle.

That said, if I loved someone who was comfortable, but not wealthy, I would happily accept that and build a happy, honest life with him.

But if he was wealthy - particularly if its inherited (as is the situation with my last love), I would expect him to spoil me as well as he spoils himself. When he didn't, I couldn't stay - and wouldn't stay - as I want my other half to treat me as well or better than he does himself.

But mostly, I am building my life and my wealth so that I will be free of the shackles of financial needs to make any decision I want to, should opportunity and a permanent love come my way.
OneHotMale's Avatar
Wow good question Nicole. As for me I have a career that I dearly love but I am looking to retire in another couple of years. I have plenty of other loves outside of my work to keep myself occupied and since I have been single for many years and my kids are grown and in their careers then I have nothing to tie me down. But I will say that I am still young enough to enjoy things then yes most definately if the right lady came along then I would have to seriously consider settling down. Heck I figure I can supplement my retirement making $$$ off of WTF on the golf course.
I have often picked love over money and have paid deeply for such a choice. I would live in a camper (homeless)with little to no money if I could be with the ones I love.
Guest012211-3's Avatar
LOL, I hope it doesn't come down to a camper.

More specifically, would you be willing to start your life over for love? This means rebuilding your life and a temporary change in lifestyle...I know we have all worked hard to build financial security and luxuries in life...could you let that go to build another less luxurious lifestyle with the one you love?
could you let that go to build another less luxurious lifestyle with the one you love? Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
I have been in love once in my life. To feel that way again I would make some sacrifices. Sorry for such a short answer but I don't like to get all mushy on a message board.
JackNapier's Avatar
I would gladly choose the love over the money. If you consider "non-romantic" love as well, isn't that what a parent does when they have kids?

While we're at it, why don't you add the question: would you choose love over beauty or love over sex?
Guest012211-3's Avatar

While we're at it, why don't you add the question: would you choose love over beauty or love over sex? Originally Posted by JackNapier
I wouldn't add that into the equation because in my opinion true love involves great sex as well as finding your partner beautiful. Just imagine your perfect partner...what would you sacrifice to be with him/her?
LOL, I hope it doesn't come down to a camper.

More specifically, would you be willing to start your life over for love? This means rebuilding your life and a temporary change in lifestyle...I know we have all worked hard to build financial security and luxuries in life...could you let that go to build another less luxurious lifestyle with the one you love? Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
Yes, I would without question given my previous post since, in a way, I have already done that.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I certainly would do it.
However, I would also hope that no one else would do it because some of us said yes.
Iceman's Avatar
For those of us who are 30+ in age, would you give up your current career or financial stability to start over with the one you truly love?

Suppose you meet "the one" later in life, but you have to relocate, start over or pay large sums in Alimony or child support. Are you willing to make financial sacrifices if it means living a happy life with a new love? Even if it's just temporary, say 2 years, could you do it? Or would you long for those great vacations, carefree spending, or fine dining experiences? Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
Being single and without kids it would be an easy choice for me. Love.
I have often picked love over money and have paid deeply for such a choice. I would live in a camper (homeless)with little to no money if I could be with the ones I love. Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
I tried the trailer park thing in the name of love. That didn't last too long. I would certainly choose love over money if it meant less luxury, but live in a camper / trailer? Never again. Trust me, you'll never have a good hair day again.