The first zombie proof house

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Its not zombie proof without the AA-12 Shotgun used in the Expendables...
EJunkie's Avatar
It might protect you from the Zombies, but unless the Zombies are eradicated early in the "infection" they would eliminate humans. You'd never be able to leave.

It's all in a Canadian study.

Some excerpts:

To give the living a fighting chance, the researchers chose "classic" slow-moving zombies as our opponents rather than the nimble, intelligent creatures portrayed in some recent films.

Even so, their analysis revealed that a strategy of capturing or curing the zombies would only put off the inevitable.
In their scientific paper, the authors conclude that humanity's only hope is to "hit them [the undead] hard and hit them often".

They added: "It's imperative that zombies are dealt with quickly or else... we are all in a great deal of trouble."

According to the researchers, the key difference between the zombies and the spread of real infections is that "zombies can come back to life".
Mazomaniac's Avatar
But could it keep out the far left? Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Its not zombie proof without the AA-12 Shotgun used in the Expendables... Originally Posted by gndafly
I don't know about zombies, but you two will still have to worry about the mind-control waves the CIA is beaming into your heads.

At least MA wears the helmet to help jam the evil socialist transmissions. Gnad's obviously still relying on tin foil.

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Well, actually I have lined the helmet with tin foil just in case.
pyramider's Avatar
Where are the Twinkies?
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
I don't listen to what people say, I watch what people do. If they do zombie things, I waste 'em. circa ~DPMS Zombie shoot
Interresting thread. If we ever had a zombie apocalypse I would search out an ex-employee of mine. He knows almost everything about zombie and reminds me of that young kid in zombieland. Rule #2 double tap