Acronym Anxiety

Esteban's Avatar
Being a long time hobbyist, but newbie to ECCIE, I have been able to follow the gist of most acronyms used by reviwers and used the lists provided by other helpful users/moderators to get clarification on those I couldn't define. Two acronyms I have found in no list and can't define are NE and SE. These are probably so simple, I should be able to figure them out, but will resort to asking for help rather than tax my brain any further! Thanks!
CenterLock's Avatar
Northern exploration and southern exploration
Torito's Avatar
As in above the equator or below the equator.

Esteban's Avatar
DUH! So obvious! Thanks for the clarification!
Don't get anxious, Estaban. The first time I saw GFE on an Eros ad, I thought it meant "Good For Everything". We were all new once.
