What kind of journalism is this shit? Who captured him? When was he Captured? Where the hell are the details.
Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
They seem sketchy and roundabout. I guess Rand will have to start another filibuster.
Yeah drone the fuck, he's not an American and wasn't on American soil. Why waste the time and money on a civilian kangaroo court in New York and why would he get any protection under the US Constitution in that court?
Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Because he'll be in US Federal Court, not a military tribunal. He may not get all the rights a US citizen gets, but he'll get most of them. I wonder if he was read the Miranda like the underwear bomber.
thought all you wingers wanted OBL brought to trial instead of killed. Guess you were for it till you were against it.
Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I thought all you wingers wanted OBL not made a public martyr? That's why he was buried a sea, right? This guy gets daily TV and web coverage, gets to use the court as his pulpit to express his anti-American views - up until day he's convicted and sent to prison for the rest of his life or martyred.