How to approach a sensative situation?


I had a very nice gentleman come see me today. He is a member here and on P411.

I will not mention who it is, this isnt to embarrass or hurt this person. Rather, Im bringing this up because I want to see how others would handle this.

There was a slight issue. This was a very difficult situation for me.

How do you deal with someone who has scheduled with you that has a skin issue and didnt mention it before seeing you. There was nothing listed on his p411 profile, it said N/A by the skin condition question.

I am counting on this appointment yet I wasnt comfortable giving the level of service I normally do because of the skin issue.

How would you handle this situation?
If its that serious, its not like the guy isn't aware of it. Do you think he was disappointed in the "level of service" he received?
Im sure he was disappointed. He asked me what the problem was and I explained to him I was afraid of getting what he had. He skin looked like ringworm. He had sores all over. Honestly, I havent encountered this issue before with a client.
I felt very uncomfortable. Had I know this before hand I wouldnt have scheduled the session. I wouldnt want to waste his time or mine.
Being a traveling lady, I count on my appointments hence why I didnt ask him to leave. Given the situation, I tried to be sensitive to his feelings.
I guess this is a no win situation.
I couldnt offer him the complete service he was looking forward to due to my fear.
MuffinMan's Avatar
Sounds like you handled the situation with honesty and integrity.
Well done, Ariale.

Hey Arialemode, I'm sorry you were placed in that situation, In the hobby, "sores" are always a concern and should be disclosed by either party before an encounter. Warmly, Buddy
Dragon_inc's Avatar
The final act of screening is when you meet face to face and if it is a no go for any reason then the time to part is then....
I had a situation once. I met up with a morbidly obese man. He was huge. When he got naked I saw a pinkish rash on his private parts. I asked him whats that? He said it was fat funk, i.e. what really fat people get from sweating under all the rolls of fat. I told him we can't be intimate. He was cool with everything and understanding.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
IMHO, if there's any concern about the spreading of "something" it's best to politely refrain from bcd activities. That goes for both sides of the condom.

If he had sores, I would have been very polite, but I could not be intimate with him. I have too much at risk.

I have had appointments with double amputees, hugely overweight men, men that were so shy to the point of stuttering and they all have something beautiful in them that I can find attractive. I do not believe in rejecting someone based on their physical characteristics, but possible disease is a different matter.

When I travel, I have to have a certain dollar amount pre-booked and at least one of those engagements has to be an ATF or I cancel. I'm kind of superstitious. There are certain gentlemen I consider my good luck charms .
My hats off to ya darling. Thats why I have the ultimate in respect for you ladies out there. Yall are doing what you have to do and yall make the best of the situation. Also , the fact is that yall are honest about it. I just split with a ten year relationship because my significant other was running around the last ten years behind my back. I have respect for truth.