The Green Lantern movie

Seirus's Avatar
Ok so the movie comes out this summer. I want to take someone fun & I want to ask either Kristy or Pleasure Mi Amour to go & watch with me. The question is do yall think its crossing a boundary by actually taking one of them to a movie? Opinions?
MuffinMan's Avatar
BGL....if you and she come to a mutual decision and are comfortable with it, then all's well in the kingdom. If you are seen by friends you need to have plausible answer ready to explain who she is....on your end. She will probably care less who sees her, but I'm sure either lady will be glad to play along with whatever story you imagine.

Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
It's generally dangerous to fade the boundaries. Trust me; I know. (Note to MM: no snide comments!) However, iffin you feels the gumption just make sure it's clear whether or not the time is off the clock.

Dragon_inc's Avatar
MM got warned but not me heheheh .... let me tell ya about the time HID was going to take... ( got ya HID ) well guess i will keep the thoughts to my self ...heheh

BGL me and a running buddy have had dinner out with providers in the past and had no problems, but then again we are single and had a cover story ready for any friends outside the hobby if seen. It is all about the fun so have some (fun that is)