Valley Visit

Elgato69's Avatar
I plan to be in the Valley next week and wanted to see if there is any interest in meeting for lunch and or drinks to discuss putting together a Gathering of Like Minded Individuals (G.L.M.I.) event in the Valley (Social). I have noticed that the activity and membership on ECCIE in the Valley has grown over the last several months. This is great. I was on a "vacation" but now I am back and ready to get things moving. This invitation is for both providers and hobbiests. Let me know if you are interested either through this thread or by PM. Again, discretion is #1 and I will let anyone who has an interest in having lunch and/or drinks know where I will be by PM/email only. I know that a visiting lady will be in joining us. I look forward in meeting you and I consider the Valley my second home.

Looking forward in hearing from everyone.

Rugburn's Avatar
Hey Gato, let me know when and where and I'll be there.
Hey Gato, glad to have you back! I'm might be interested in joining you for lunch.
rgvlocokid's Avatar
count me in gato.
rgvlife999's Avatar
I'd be interested if my schedule permits
Elgato69's Avatar
Great!!!! The more the merrier. Now if we can get some of the ladies to join us!!!!!! I think us guys can pick up the tab for the ladies. What do you think.
Yes Sir!!! , let me know.
Depending on driving time, I'm interested.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
I would like to attend also, my schedule permitting.
I would love to attend
As Drew Barrymore would say,

"Hells Yeah!!"

Gato, are you finally going to teach me to Cumbia?
Hi guys, count me in!!
dcarr's Avatar
  • dcarr
  • 01-19-2011, 08:46 PM
I would love to join you all, let me know, my schedule has been terrible lately though.
Id love to join you guys if my schedule permits.
i'd love to attend to. count me in!