Providers transition to Facebook

christos62's Avatar
Recently I read an article indicating that providers had successfully transitioned to Facebook from Craigslist. They stated that as many as 83% of those they polled had fully transitioned and marketed themselves through Facebook.

Results of the research indicated that 70% were using their blackberries to contact their clients, with 19% using iphones, the rest used their home computer I guess.

I really do not see this happening in the RGV, unless it is only me not finding the right Facebook "friends".

What say you Eccie?
rgvlife999's Avatar
I read the same article. How would you even search for that on facebook?
Facebook administrators sent a warning message to a provider that was using facebook to communicate with one of her existing clients. According to her, the message read. You can't use Facebook to conduct illicit transactions or your account will be closed and you will be reported to the proper authorities.

I also saw an investigative report on Discovery Channel about the police using facebook to locate parole violators.

My two cents.
Elgato69's Avatar
With all these girls around you, you still have time to watch the Discovery Channel PGofL!!!

Eejole. (Loose Translation = WOW)
Hijole Gato! This is one Time Management comes in handy!
a la chingada! LOL
dcarr's Avatar
  • dcarr
  • 02-08-2011, 04:05 PM
Damn Pgolf, like the new avatar.
christos62's Avatar
'Pos ke onda con el Espaņol? Is the "plebeyada" showing their inner Hispano?

Hope the Mods don't call our attention to the policy of Eccie being an "English Only" website, lol.
Elgato69's Avatar
Hope the Mods don't call our attention to the policy of Eccie being an "English Only" website, lol.
That was not in the handbook they gave me, vato.