One Man's Thoughts on Women

christos62's Avatar
I found this comment on the web and it just made me cringe. I know posting it here may be like throwing gasoline on a fire, but a part of me just smiled at this guys douchebaggery.

This is for all the ladies here

You women have no right to complain about your lives. You live longer, don't have to go to war, can have sex whenever you want, and if it comes down to a sexual harassment charge or any criminal offense, you women are almost guaranteed to win. You can't blame fucking up your lives on anyone but yourself

You claim you want nice guys but you put out to the obviously abusive creeps, you say looks don't matter but you throw a bitch fit if your not complimented 24/7. You bitch and moan and fight for equal treatment, yet you BAAAAW if someone socks you in the jaw.

You women have it fucking made. So, the purpose of this thread? A rebuttal. What do you have to complain about?

Period? Boo-freakity-hoo, everyone bleeds. Childbirth? Please, in this day and age they pump so much drugs into that you could pass a watermelon and not feel it.
I'll just leave this here so you can discuss this guys view on womanhood among yourselves.
Not a woman but will stand up for them. Sounds like the douchebag needs to get laid! Too bad...with that attitude the only thing that he will be banging is Rosie Palmer and her five friends.
rjdiner's Avatar
Ask senor douchebag if he'd trade places with them, I wouldn't.
LatinaVeronica's Avatar
Man the "F" Up !!!
Sounds like a insecure P!$$y ..who ==> needs <==to pay for it...

Guys like that always ask for strap on play