Meet the GOP Congressman whoo opposes Trump the most

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  • 12-28-2017, 02:38 PM

There are 291 Republicans in Congress, and only one voted against the GOP tax bill because he thinks it will increase the U.S. deficit.
A 12-term congressman from the eastern banks of North Carolina, Rep. Walter B. Jones Jr. (R-N.C.) says his fellow House Republicans have used cherry-picked data and fanciful projections to delude themselves that the plan will not balloon the federal deficit.
“I guarantee you, if Mr. Obama was the president and he put this tax bill in, those deficit hawks in my party would get out of the nests and start squawking,” Jones said. “But here they are, and because it’s a Republican president possibly adding $1.5 to $2 trillion to this country’s deficit, they’re going to stay in the nest and not squawk about it.”

Budman's Avatar
And your point is?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-28-2017, 03:15 PM
And your point is? Originally Posted by Budman
I guarantee you, if Mr. Obama was the president and he put this tax bill in, those deficit hawks in my party would get out of the nests and start squawking,” Jones said. “But here they are, and because it’s a Republican president possibly adding $1.5 to $2 trillion to this country’s deficit, they’re going to stay in the nest and not squawk about it.”

. Originally Posted by WTF
I agree with the Congressman.
Budman's Avatar
Of course you do. This supports your viewpoint. No different than if I find a democrat that didn't support obamacare or that does support the tax bill. Proves nothing and doesn't bolster your argument at all. Just another opinion and you know what they say about opinions. The tax bill is passed and now only time will tell who was right and who was wrong. Obamacare raised premiums and deductibles across the board just like the right predicted and just the opposite of what Obama promised. So right now it's 1 to nothing. You lose.

There are 291 Republicans in Congress, and only one voted against the GOP tax bill because he thinks it will increase the U.S. deficit.
A 12-term congressman from the eastern banks of North Carolina, Rep. Walter B. Jones Jr. (R-N.C.) says his fellow House Republicans have used cherry-picked data and fanciful projections to delude themselves that the plan will not balloon the federal deficit.
“I guarantee you, if Mr. Obama was the president and he put this tax bill in, those deficit hawks in my party would get out of the nests and start squawking,” Jones said. “But here they are, and because it’s a Republican president possibly adding $1.5 to $2 trillion to this country’s deficit, they’re going to stay in the nest and not squawk about it.”

. Originally Posted by WTF
I can see why you would like the post-turtle RINOcrat...

TheDaliLama's Avatar
I agree with the Congressman. Originally Posted by WTF
That’s because you’re a douche bag.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Tax cuts do not create deficits, over spending does.

When Congress began abdicating their responsibility to establish a real budget and creating the automatic budget increases has caused more to add to the debt than anything else.
And your point is? Originally Posted by Budman
WTF can press down on the stupid throttle for the entire year.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-28-2017, 05:23 PM
The tax bill is passed and now only time will tell who was right and who was wrong. Obamacare raised premiums and deductibles across the board just like the right predicted and just the opposite of what Obama promised. So right now it's 1 to nothing. You lose. Originally Posted by Budman
I lose , you lose, we all lose Bud.
We have already tried this Bud, in 1986 and it led to record deficits. That is why Bush I had to increase taxes. Then Clinton cut cut Defense spending in the 1990's and we got close to a balanced budget. But that was in part to an increase in payroll taxes in 86 .... the 81-82 tax cuts led to higher deficits.

Tax cuts do not create deficits, over spending does.

When Congress began abdicating their responsibility to establish a real budget and creating the automatic budget increases has caused more to add to the debt than anything else. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
So Congress can not cut spending and so they cut taxes...oh yea there will be a sugar high for a year or so but then just like Bush II tax cuts the deficit will grow. Nobody will cut spending. Nobody wants to cut Defense spending or entitlements...of they give it lip service but never cut it.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-28-2017, 05:28 PM
That’s because you’re a douche bag. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
No amount of douche can cleanse your stinky vagina!

hardroad69's Avatar would not make a pimple on a smart mans ass.....
Budman's Avatar
You are wrong. When Reagan cut taxes government revenue increased. The deficit was do to spending. The same will happen this time unless Congress cuts spending. You can't blame the deficit on the tax cut if revenue increases. I have explained this to you several times in other threads but you continue with the same old leftist talking points.
bambino's Avatar
I lose , you lose, we all lose Bud.
We have already tried this Bud, in 1986 and it led to record deficits. That is why Bush I had to increase taxes. Then Clinton cut cut Defense spending in the 1990's and we got close to a balanced budget. But that was in part to an increase in payroll taxes in 86 .... the 81-82 tax cuts led to higher deficits.

So Congress can not cut spending and so they cut taxes...oh yea there will be a sugar high for a year or so but then just like Bush II tax cuts the deficit will grow. Nobody will cut spending. Nobody wants to cut Defense spending or entitlements...of they give it lip service but never cut it. Originally Posted by WTF
Well dumbfuck, Obama didn’t cut taxes, had a trillion dollar “stimulus” bill and we have nothing to show for it but an additional 10trillion in debt. And it wasn’t because of that mass military complex. So what’s your explanation? I would say a lackluster economy for one. Obamacare two, and an over regulation. You can thank me later. But congratulations, you found ONE dipshit you agree with. Birds of a feather.
bambino's Avatar would not make a pimple on a smart mans ass..... Originally Posted by hardroad69
No, but he dreams of guys assholes.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You are wrong. When Reagan cut taxes government revenue increased. The deficit was do to spending. The same will happen this time unless Congress cuts spending. You can't blame the deficit on the tax cut if revenue increases. I have explained this to you several times in other threads but you continue with the same old leftist talking points. Originally Posted by Budman
these libs, they don't listen, will not listen. its gigo! (garbage in, garbage out) when it comes to tax cuts & revenue.

if there is a deficit, its due to spending problems, its not a revenue problem. you need to cut spending to get the full benefit of the tax cut.