Steve Bannon Calls Kushner A Cuck - Implies He Likes to Watch Ivanka Get Fucked and Then Eat The Cum

Sistine Chapel's Avatar

Donald Trump’s former chief strategist Stephen Bannon has called the president’s senior advisor and son-in-law Jared Kushner a “cuck” and a “globalist”.

“Cuckservative,” a portmanteau of “cuckold” and “conservative,” has become a favorite slur on the right, used like a sexually and racially charged version of “RINO,” a Republican In Name Only. “Globalist” is a term typically used by nationalist, pro-Trump right-wingers against political opponents; however, the term has also come under fire for at times carrying anti-Semitic tones. (Kushner is Jewish.)

Bannon is a self-described “nationalist” and long-time Republican, while Kushner was, until his father-in-law ran for president, a lifelong liberal and a Democratic donor.
bambino's Avatar
Who watches you push turds with your tongue?
flghtr65's Avatar Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Further down in the link it was revealed that Kushner is consulting with Zeke Emanuel on health care policy. I wonder if Kushner knows that Emanuel was the lead guy for Obamacare. Which is what Trump wants to repeal and replace. From the link.

The White House and Bannon did not respond to emails seeking comment.

One senior Trump aide said that Bannon was also frustrated with Kushner “continuing to bring in Zeke Emanuel to discuss health care options,” for instance. The aide said Emanuel has had three White House meetings, including one with Trump.

In 2009, conservatives called Emanuel “Dr. Death” for advocating for end-of-life consultations during the crafting of the Affordable Care Act. (He is also the brother of Barack Obama’s former chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel.)
bambino's Avatar
Further down in the link it was revealed that Kushner is consulting with Zeke Emanuel on health care policy. I wonder if Kushner knows that Emanuel was the lead guy for Obamacare. Which is what Trump wants to repeal and replace. From the link.

The White House and Bannon did not respond to emails seeking comment.

One senior Trump aide said that Bannon was also frustrated with Kushner “continuing to bring in Zeke Emanuel to discuss health care options,” for instance. The aide said Emanuel has had three White House meetings, including one with Trump.

In 2009, conservatives called Emanuel “Dr. Death” for advocating for end-of-life consultations during the crafting of the Affordable Care Act. (He is also the brother of Barack Obama’s former chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel.) Originally Posted by flghtr65
Obamacare is dead.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The more this whole collusion thing looks more and more like the big nothing burger that it is... the more grotesque and despicable the desperation is from the left.
flghtr65's Avatar
Obamacare is dead. Originally Posted by bambino
No, it is not. The ACA has not been replaced or repealed. Without the mandate health insurance premiums will go up next year. However, the subsidy to help the policyholder pay for the premium will be available next year. This means if you are a family of 4 and make less than $95,000 you will be eligible for a subsidy from the government. You can take that to the bank.

Why are Kushner and Trump meeting with the lead guy for Obamacare at the White House. Care to explain that one?
bambino's Avatar
No, it is not. The ACA has not been replaced or repealed. Without the mandate health insurance premiums will go up next year. However, the subsidy to help the policyholder pay for the premium will be available next year. This means if you are a family of 4 and make less than $95,000 you will be eligible for a subsidy from the government. You can take that to the bank.

Why are Kushner and Trump meeting with the lead guy for Obamacare at the White House. Care to explain that one? Originally Posted by flghtr65
It’s all but gone. It’s major components are repealed. Something else will take its place. The individual mandate has been repealed by congress. Trump repealed the subsidies to HC insurers. It will not be called the ACA or Obamacare. Wake up and smell the roses.
flghtr65's Avatar
It’s all but gone. It’s major components are repealed. Something else will take its place. The individual mandate has been repealed by congress. Trump repealed the subsidies to HC insurers. It will not be called the ACA or Obamacare. Wake up and smell the roses. Originally Posted by bambino
Getting a subsidy to help pay the premium is major part that is still available. We will know by next November if the ACA will have a new name.
It’s all but gone. It’s major components are repealed. Something else will take its place. The individual mandate has been repealed by congress. Trump repealed the subsidies to HC insurers. It will not be called the ACA or Obamacare. Wake up and smell the roses. Originally Posted by bambino
He's STILL having seizures over shrilLIARy's loss ! He is worried that his " branch " of gloryholes will be shut down when they find out that HIS style of " therapy " means for the " patient " to PACK HIS FUDGE and for him to get taxpayer money for it !!!! 'fordable care, doncha know !
StandinStraight's Avatar
It’s all but gone. It’s major components are repealed. Something else will take its place. The individual mandate has been repealed by congress. Trump repealed the subsidies to HC insurers. It will not be called the ACA or Obamacare. Wake up and smell the roses. Originally Posted by bambino
Your all but gone, the ACA is alive and going nowhere.
LexusLover's Avatar
No, it is not. Originally Posted by flghtr65
It was never "alive" in the first place, because from day one it was on "life support" and so remained during its entire activity level to the current moment. One system at a time is being withdrawn and it will not survive on its own now that the mandate has been shit-canned, even though the mandate has been neutered since January of 2017 when Trump signed his FIRST EO.

It's dead, along with your dream of a "one-payor" system.
LexusLover's Avatar
Getting a subsidy to help pay the premium is major part that is still available. Originally Posted by flghtr65
It was never "alive" in the first place, because from day one it was on "life support" and so remained during its entire activity level to the current moment. One system at a time is being withdrawn and it will not survive on its own now that the mandate has been shit-canned, even though the mandate has been neutered since January of 2017 when Trump signed his FIRST EO.

It's dead, along with your dream of a "one-payor" system. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You just made my point! Thank you!

BTW: If you think you can play the "It's-the-same-with-a-differnt-name game" this coming year, you are full of shit. Because right NOW its gone ... NO MANDATE! Apparently you didn't read the The Emperor's New Clothes in your early years!

The 2018 Political Version will be: Obaminable's New Clothes
If what he/Bannon says pans out to be the truth (the author, being a left wing hack, I have serious doubts), me think "the leaker" might just have revealed himself.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
that book is dodgy.

I'd say Bannon is playing some sort of game. He has said that he's on Trump's side, I have to wonder if the book is a made up fiction?
flghtr65's Avatar
You just made my point! Thank you!
Originally Posted by LexusLover
How so? The subsidy that goes directly to the policyholder to help him/her pay the policy premium has not been repealed and will be available next year. The health insurance companies will be filing for rate increases for 2019 in June/July of 2018. That is when we will find out which health insurance companies plan to sell policies on HealthCare.Gov in Dec. 2018 for the 2019 year.

The only way to knock out the ACA is to repeal the subsidy that helps the policy holder pay for the premium. That has not happened. The ACA law has not been repealed and is still the law.

I never said that I wanted a single payer system. I believe that people with pre-existing conditions should be allowed to purchase health insurance in the individual market.