“Fire and Fury” The End Of Donald Trump Goes on Sale Today! Get Your Copy!

StandinStraight's Avatar
For deplorables it’s a must read to learn just how deranged the Trump family is. For normal people it’s a must read to verify what we already know! The great thing about the book is that all of the scandals and acts of treason are described in detail by the trump administration themselves! It’s like they are saying “hey look how crooked and screwed up we really are, lock us up”! To learn more just go to any news source othe than Fox News for full details!
LexusLover's Avatar
Actually, this is the end of Bannon.

He's now your whore!
StandinStraight's Avatar
Actually, this is the end of Bannon.

He's now your whore! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Keep in mind republitards Bannon is only a small part of the book. Their are plenty of quotes and stories about Trump being a moron from everyone in the White House. It’s the end of the entire Trump administration! Get your copy today!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Will you require your students to read this work of fiction?
StandinStraight's Avatar
Will you require your students to read this work of fiction? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Should my students read a book giving them a inside look at the most corrupt White House in our history, absolutely they should!

Keep in mind the journalist who wrote the book has tapes and notes to back up all the books details. It is a real look inside the White House!
bambino's Avatar
Should my students read a book giving them a inside look at the most corrupt White House in our history, absolutely they should!

Keep in mind the journalist who wrote the book has tapes and notes to back up all the books details. It is a real look inside the White House! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Hey Bugs Bunny, can you afford the book? I’ll throw a few dollars at ya. Let me know.
I for one don't really care to "learn how deranged the Trump family is" ..... frankly I could care less, as long as they are in the White House, where I'm sure they'll remain until 2020, at which point you will get your wish, and they will leave ..... now if you'll excuse me, my "deplorable lives matter" t-shirt is in the dryer. Today seems like a good day to wear it .....
LexusLover's Avatar
I for one don't really care to "learn how deranged the Trump family is" ..... frankly I could care less, as long as they are in the White House, where I'm sure they'll remain until 2020, at which point you will get your wish, and they will leave ..... now if you'll excuse me, my "deplorable lives matter" t-shirt is in the dryer. Today seems like a good day to wear it ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
I've ordered 365 "I'm a Deplorable" t-shirts for his imaginary class.

They requested them and prepaid even the shipping.

Once they found out the truth about their "imaginary" professor his imaginary class members have decided to join the "movement" for 2018 and 2020 to assure Trump's success while draining the swamp!
Should my students read a book giving them a inside look at the most corrupt White House in our history, absolutely they should!

Keep in mind the journalist who wrote the book has tapes and notes to back up all the books details. It is a real look inside the White House! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Reading that book will lower their self esteem when at the end of the day they see Obama and Clinton and a slew of pedophiles being lead away in handcuffs. Then they'll look at you and think you should be on the unemployment line.

LexusLover's Avatar
Reading that book will lower their self esteem when at the end of the day they see Obama and Clinton and a slew of pedophiles being lead away in handcuffs. Then they'll look at you and think you should be on the unemployment line.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
You mean his imaginary students?

They still haven't shown up for class yet!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Read page 10 of the prologue well, Standing Stupid. The author notes there that his book contains "bald-faced lies," Standing Stupid.
LexusLover's Avatar
It's interesting .... somewhat ....

... that after Alabama Bannon is even discussed, much less quoted.

Now he's a "folk hero" to the Liberals.
bamscram's Avatar
Just the Trump white house eating their own.
LexusLover's Avatar
The only folks "eating Bannon" are you and the Liberal anti-Trump media!

Last month they wouldn't have pissed on him to put the fire out on him, but today they are sucking his dick, just like you!

Is that your new logo, parrot?
bamscram's Avatar
The only folks "eating Bannon" are you and the Liberal anti-Trump media!

Last month they wouldn't have pissed on him to put the fire out on him, but today they are sucking his dick, just like you!

Is that your new logo, parrot? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Stupid is as stupid does, and you are really stupid.
Just because you are still pissed your gal Hillary lost does not give you license to lie.
Weren't you a big Moore supporter?