Terrorism and Walls

rexdutchman's Avatar
Without getting into a collage level history class - The whole mess started in 1916 w/ the Sykes-Picot agreement (AISA minor ) the British , French and Russains cut up the middle east and the Ottoman empire and Palestine to become the Jewish state. The Muslims are trying to take it back ( in a nut) That's why Britain France are HVT and US after , so yes we need to build walls, and stop anyone for freely entering this country. ( remember a very small % of Germans were NAZIS)
LexusLover's Avatar
( remember a very small % of Germans were NAZIS) Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Before, during, or after "the war"?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Short answer yes , still
Without getting into a collage level history class - The whole mess started in 1916 w/ the Sykes-Picot agreement (AISA minor ) the British , French and Russains cut up the middle east and the Ottoman empire and Palestine to become the Jewish state. Originally Posted by rexdutchman
I think it started with the battle of Jericho and maybe before.
LexusLover's Avatar
Short answer yes , still Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Do you know any Germans who lived in Germany during WWII?

Well enough to ask them with a promise not to reveal their answer?

To identify someone with a political party affiliation ignores those who facilitated and/or acquiesced in the activities of those in the "party" in charge. There are all kinds of "excuses" for allowing the things to happen, but they are just after-the-fact-excuses and not defenses to the failure to prevent the atrocities.
Do you know any Germans who lived in Germany during WWII?

Well enough to ask them with a promise not to reveal their answer?

To identify someone with a political party affiliation ignores those who facilitated and/or acquiesced in the activities of those in the "party" in charge. There are all kinds of "excuses" for allowing the things to happen, but they are just after-the-fact-excuses and not defenses to the failure to prevent the atrocities. Originally Posted by LexusLover
As was General Patton's feeling when they came upon the Death Camps. He rounded up the local citizenry and made them march by to see what their Leaders had done in their name, and what they allowed to happen.
I think it started with the battle of Jericho and maybe before. Originally Posted by filbone
We read in The Bile where The Lord told The Israelites that Cannan would be theirs,

It doesn't mention much about how the people already living there felt about that.

Remember the cute song we all sung in Sunday School about how "Joshua fought the Battle of Jericho, and the walls came tumbling down"

Well, they leave out the verse where The Lord ordered them to kill every living thing. Men women, children, and animals.

In today's world we call that genocide, and the pepertrators are hung as war criminals.

I suppose every radical Muslim feels that his "God" has ordered him to do much of the same.
LexusLover's Avatar
As was General Patton's feeling when they came upon the Death Camps. He rounded up the local citizenry and made them march by to see what their Leaders had done in their name, and what they allowed to happen. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Not unlike what is being "allowed to happen" in Chicago!

People hearing the noise, seeing the activity, and being quiet. Fear.

AND I just reminded myself of the presence of foreigners among those in our Muslim communities who "are not right," but those in our Muslim communities ....

.. "hear no evil"
.. "see no evile"
.. "speak no evil"!

We may not have a war against Islam, but the Muslims have a war against us!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Assassins (Arabic: حشاشين‎‎ Hashashin) is a name used to refer to the medieval Nizari Ismailis. Often described as a secret order led by a mysterious "Old Man of the Mountain", the Nizari Ismailis were an Islamic sect that formed in the late 11th century from a split within Ismailism – itself a branch of Shia Islam.

Rashīd ad-Dīn Sinān (Arabic: رشيد الدين سنان‎‎), also known as the Old Man of the Mountain (Arabic: شيخ الجبل‎‎ Shaykh al-Jabal, Latin: Vetulus de Montanis) (1132/1135–1192), was a leader of the Syrian branch of the Nizari Ismaili state (the Assassins)

Rashid ad-Din Sinan was born in Basra, Iraq between the years 1132 and 1135. According to his autobiography, of which only fragments survive, Rashid came to Alamut, the centre of the Hashshashins.

The Nizaris posed a military threat to Sunni Seljuq authority within their territories by capturing and inhabiting many unconnected mountain fortresses throughout Persia, and later Syria, under the leadership of Hassan-i Sabbah. Sabbah is typically regarded as the founder of the Assassins, founding the so-called "Nizari Ismaili state" with Alamut Castle as its headquarters. Asymmetric warfare [a term also frequently used to describe what is also called "guerrilla warfare", "insurgency", "terrorism"], psychological warfare, and surgical strikes were often an employed tactic of the hashashin.

The word "assassin" has been used ever since to describe a hired or professional killer, leading to the related term "assassination", which denotes any action involving murder of a high-profile target for political reasons. (wiki: source 1; source 2; source 3)


Let these kids sing the verses left out


And when the walls had finally been leveled
And the Army had taken the town,
They slit their throats and cut off their heads,
and the blood soaked into the ground..


You've heard the tails about Mao,
And Pol Pot and Uncle Joe,
But when it comes to killing and genocide
We have the Battle of Jericho.


The song takes on a different meaning of what really happenned.
LexusLover's Avatar
All these Liberals getting choked up about "younger terrorists" and females .... they need to talk to the Israelis more .... if the Israelis will give them the time of day.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Without getting into a collage level history class - The whole mess started in 1916 w/ the Sykes-Picot agreement (AISA minor ) the British , French and Russains cut up the middle east and the Ottoman empire and Palestine to become the Jewish state. The Muslims are trying to take it back ( in a nut) That's why Britain France are HVT and US after , so yes we need to build walls, and stop anyone for freely entering this country. ( remember a very small % of Germans were NAZIS) Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Sorry, you're getting a short COLLEGE lesson on history. After World War I (not II) the English and French divided the Middle East. [Russians] quit the war and fell under the thrawl of Lenin. They were not involved. What we call Palestine was a Jewish state long before the British, the French, or the Muslims. The Jews were run out by the Muslims for the most part. They began returning in greater numbers in the 18th century. The British made a lot of promises to the Jews for their support in both World War I and II. They reneged and the Jewish organizations began a war of terror on the British. The Muslims are trying to take something that doesn't really belong to them.

What this has to do with walls I'm not exactly sure but walls have worked for the Chinese, Israel, the Romans, not the French because you have to support the concept as well as build the edifice.
LexusLover's Avatar
....but walls have worked for the Chinese, Israel, the Romans, not the French because you have to support the concept as well as build the edifice. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I have not seen it discuss on any of the posts, but I heard the acting director of ICE the other day talking about the wall/fence that was being considered (he said they were drafting the proposal then ... just before the inauguration) and the concept is ...

... the wall/fence will not be continuous along the border but will be constructed in specifically designated areas to "funnel" the traffic flow across the border into those areas to facilitate the arrest and return of those persons crossing at those locations. They were making it "easier" to cross at those points to encourage those who wanted to cross to come there.

He was claiming the "funneling" concept (I envisioned herding cattle into shoots to corral them) reduced the amount of fence/wall and personnel to get the job done.

I saw some practical problems, but I'm figuring he knows.
rexdutchman's Avatar
some people need to look up the Sykes - picot issue , and WW1 ( like I said 1916 - 1920 ) before WW1 the Ottoman empire (Muslim) ran the middle east . think crusades
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I have not seen it discuss on any of the posts, but I heard the acting director of ICE the other day talking about the wall/fence that was being considered (he said they were drafting the proposal then ... just before the inauguration) and the concept is ...

... the wall/fence will not be continuous along the border but will be constructed in specifically designated areas to "funnel" the traffic flow across the border into those areas to facilitate the arrest and return of those persons crossing at those locations. They were making it "easier" to cross at those points to encourage those who wanted to cross to come there.

He was claiming the "funneling" concept (I envisioned herding cattle into shoots to corral them) reduced the amount of fence/wall and personnel to get the job done.

I saw some practical problems, but I'm figuring he knows. Originally Posted by LexusLover
secretary Kelly says he hopes to have it built in 2 years. they going to build where its needed and fill in the remainder. geography of the region is going to be a factor on where they build the wall fence.

funnel concept is an interesting idea. why not make agents job easier in apprehension of illegals.