A couple of interesting things said in Philadelphia

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
General Allen made the statement that Hillary knows all the instruments of power and how to use them....kind of creepy by itself but then there was Hillary.

Hillary is taking her campaign away from "I'm with Her" to "Stronger Together". Yes, Hillary made the point that the democrats are stronger together then separately. Do you know what a fasces is? Let me help;

It is described as a bundle of sticks tied together. The symbolism is that a bundle of sticks is stronger than one stick alone. Kind of like Hillary saying that they are stronger together. Another thing about the fasces, it is the symbol of fascism. Specifically fascism in Italy which was the first modern fascist state.

So it sounds like to me that Hillary is promoting fascism and that Allen says that she knows how to use power (executive, legislative, judicial, media, and the unruly masses) to get what she wants.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hillary is a fascist, and I don't know what part of the Constitution Khan is talking about.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Hillary is a fascist, and I don't know what part of the Constitution Khan is talking about. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
1st admendment.
I B Hankering's Avatar
1st admendment. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
That would be the amendment Odumbo, Lynch and many other dim-retards (probably hildebeest in order to protect Odumbo's *legacy*) would be seeking to violate by prosecuting those who don't accept their hyperbole about Global Warming.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/29/us...eech.html?_r=0 Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Let me answer this as did Huckabee. No one, NO ONE is saying that Khan was wrong for defending his son and showing his pride for what his son did. Any good American would be thankful for the sacrifice his son made and Khan's son should be honored as a hero. However....

Khan was wrong when he said that he and his son would have not been in this country under Trump policies. First, Trump has no policies, he is not in office but Trump has also NOT taken the stand that ALL Muslims will be denied entry or banned from the country. It was never said by Trump, only the left and media have said those words. What Trump did say was that he is proposing a temporary ban on the immigration of Muslims (of any race or nationality) who do not want to assimilate (operate under Sharia) and who cannot be vetted for radical beliefs. Neither of these things seem to be the case for Khan, his wife, or his son. The UAE has provided support against ISIS and is a modern country. It is not a hotbed of terrorism. Khan is to be applauded for what his son did but he was put up to doing the business of the DNC based on a lie, several lies actually. He is a useful idiot.

I knew a kid in high school named Roger. He was what we called "retarded" in the day. He looked normal until he talked. His speech was slurred and he became excited easily. The problem was that the school bullies (the DNC) would take him aside and fill him full of nonsense about some other kid. Then they would turn Roger loose. Roger would walk up and accuse the other kid of some heinous thing. Of course the kid could not fight Roger or even argue with him. Meantime the bullies lurked nearby watching the show. That was what I saw at the DNC convention. The bullies were back stage watching the show knowing that Trump could not really go after Khan by correcting him or calling him out for being foolish.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
1st admendment. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
How does the 1st Amendment apply to what he is saying?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
How does the 1st Amendment apply to what he is saying? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
LexusLover's Avatar
That was what I saw at the DNC convention. The bullies were back stage watching the show knowing that Trump could not really go after Khan by correcting him or calling him out for being foolish. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Trump doesn't have to "go after Khan" ... He merely has to embrace and praise the sacrifice made by his son and express his sympathy to the family for the loss of their son .. and then explain again his expressed "policy" of a temporary halting of the refugee program to assure that those allowed in this country share the same loyalty to this country as was shown by their son and the family, who came to this country like millions of others to become a U.S. citizen and abide by the laws and principles of this country as have they and as did their son. He can express as President and the CIC he will welcome all Muslims who wish to come to this country, become U.S. citizens, and/or join the military and help defend this country against those who wish us harm, regardless of from where they are from or what religion, if any, they practice.

He can then apologize to Khan if someone told him differently about Trump's policy and would hope in the future anyone else who is intentionally misled about this policies and statements just ask him.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
General Allen made the statement that Hillary knows all the instruments of power and how to use them....kind of creepy by itself but then there was Hillary.

Hillary is taking her campaign away from "I'm with Her" to "Stronger Together". Yes, Hillary made the point that the democrats are stronger together then separately. Do you know what a fasces is? Let me help;

It is described as a bundle of sticks tied together. The symbolism is that a bundle of sticks is stronger than one stick alone. Kind of like Hillary saying that they are stronger together. Another thing about the fasces, it is the symbol of fascism. Specifically fascism in Italy which was the first modern fascist state.

So it sounds like to me that Hillary is promoting fascism and that Allen says that she knows how to use power (executive, legislative, judicial, media, and the unruly masses) to get what she wants. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If she is promoting fascism then so is the treasury department and gop led US House of Representatives since it's found on our money and on the wall behind the repub speaker of the house
Let me answer this as did Huckabee. No one, NO ONE is saying that Khan was wrong for defending his son and showing his pride for what his son did. Any good American would be thankful for the sacrifice his son made and Khan's son should be honored as a hero. However....

Khan was wrong when he said that he and his son would have not been in this country under Trump policies. First, Trump has no policies, he is not in office but Trump has also NOT taken the stand that ALL Muslims will be denied entry or banned from the country. It was never said by Trump, only the left and media have said those words. What Trump did say was that he is proposing a temporary ban on the immigration of Muslims (of any race or nationality) who do not want to assimilate (operate under Sharia) and who cannot be vetted for radical beliefs. Neither of these things seem to be the case for Khan, his wife, or his son. The UAE has provided support against ISIS and is a modern country. It is not a hotbed of terrorism. Khan is to be applauded for what his son did but he was put up to doing the business of the DNC based on a lie, several lies actually. He is a useful idiot.

I knew a kid in high school named Roger. He was what we called "retarded" in the day. He looked normal until he talked. His speech was slurred and he became excited easily. The problem was that the school bullies (the DNC) would take him aside and fill him full of nonsense about some other kid. Then they would turn Roger loose. Roger would walk up and accuse the other kid of some heinous thing. Of course the kid could not fight Roger or even argue with him. Meantime the bullies lurked nearby watching the show. That was what I saw at the DNC convention. The bullies were back stage watching the show knowing that Trump could not really go after Khan by correcting him or calling him out for being foolish. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Trumpy wants to ban all Muzzies, and put the ones here on surveillance.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
religion Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Still doesn't make sense. The Constitution does not require we allow anyone who wants to enter this country in. In fact, it provides for the regulation of immigration.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Let me answer this as did Huckabee. No one, NO ONE is saying that Khan was wrong for defending his son and showing his pride for what his son did. Any good American would be thankful for the sacrifice his son made and Khan's son should be honored as a hero. However....

He meant the policies proposed by trump. And he was right.
Khan was wrong when he said that he and his son would have not been in this country under Trump policies. First, Trump has no policies, he is not in office but Trump has also NOT taken the stand that ALL Muslims will be denied entry or banned from the country. It was never said by Trump, only the left and media have said those words.His campaign issued a statement with those words. A few days later he said Muslims who are US citizens, foriegn leaders, and athletes on their way to a compitition What Trump did say was that he is proposing a temporary ban on the immigration of Muslims (of any race or nationality) who do not want to assimilate (operate under Sharia) and who cannot be vetted for radical beliefs. Neither of these things seem to be the case for Khan, his wife, or his son. The UAE has provided support against ISIS and is a modern country. It is not a hotbed of terrorism. Khan is to be applauded for what his son did but he was put up to doing the business of the DNC based on a lie, several lies actually. He is a useful idiot.
You saying he was doing business for the dnc based on a lie is based on YOUR lie. You are in denial. Trump hasn't denied issuing the statement. He doesn't have to. He's got people like you and his other poorly educated useful idiots to do it for him.
And now your anecdotal story goes belly up. knew a kid in high school named Roger. He was what we called "retarded" in the day. He looked normal until he talked. His speech was slurred and he became excited easily. The problem was that the school bullies (the DNC) would take him aside and fill him full of nonsense about some other kid. Then they would turn Roger loose. Roger would walk up and accuse the other kid of some heinous thing. Of course the kid could not fight Roger or even argue with him. Meantime the bullies lurked nearby watching the show. That was what I saw at the DNC convention. The bullies were back stage watching the show knowing that Trump could not really go after Khan by correcting him or calling him out for being foolish. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
At least one good thing has come from this all.

We now know your real name.

Take care,............ Roger.

His campaign issued a statement;
Ban Muslims from entering the country’
Immediately after the shootings by Muslim fundamentalists in San Bernardino in December 2015, the Trump campaign issued a statement saying, "Donald Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on."
Within a few days, Trump said certain people would be exempted, including American citizens who are Muslim, foreign leaders, and athletes headed to competitions. However, according to the New York Times, within his first 100 days "the immigration ban on Muslims would be in place."

Since Kahn's family isn't; an American citizens who are Muslim, foreign leaders, and athletes headed to competitions. under the proposed trump policy, Kahn would not be allowed into the country.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
JDrunk is Roger?

I thought it was John. As in "John Barleycorn (must die)"

Or the euphemism for alcoholic drink.

Or a description of the place where he bares his hole...

Truthfully it ought to be Tinkerbell. He thinks he can sprinkle pixie dust on bullshit and turn it into barbecue.

So you can call him Roger. Just don't call him Shirley.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Trumpy wants to ban all Muzzies, and put the ones here on surveillance. Originally Posted by i'va biggen