Why a Trump Presidency would be a victory for ISIS.

think about this if by some snowball in hell chance Trump gets elected( I still say he will lose big at least in the electoral count) but imagine how many American muslims could be radicalized. Remember there are millions of american muslims who were born in this country and many in the military. Add the fact that Trump's rhetoric has called for barring them from entering if they are from certain countries or creating a registry.
You can't help but to believe that many of this american muslims will feel that they have no country and ill probably live in fear which would be very easy for them to become radicalized. It's a proven fact that when Trump first called for barring muslims- ISIS used his speech as propaganda for recruitment. This is another reason why a Trump presidency would be dangerous for the U.S booth domestically and internationally.
think about this if by some snowball in hell chance Trump gets elected( I still say he will lose big at least in the electoral count) but imagine how many American muslims could be radicalized. Remember there are millions of american muslims who were born in this country and many in the military. Add the fact that Trump's rhetoric has called for barring them from entering if they are from certain countries or creating a registry.
You can't help but to believe that many of this american muslims will feel that they have no country and ill probably live in fear which would be very easy for them to become radicalized. It's a proven fact that when Trump first called for barring muslims- ISIS used his speech as propaganda for recruitment. This is another reason why a Trump presidency would be dangerous for the U.S booth domestically and internationally. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
I'll give you a pass... Generations of mating with your first cousins, gives you some benefits... IQ ain't one of them... Don't press your luck... Puke_Likley.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hey SLOBBRIN? What about my offer to raise the stakes in our bet?
think about this if by some snowball in hell chance Trump gets elected( I still say he will lose big at least in the electoral count) but imagine how many American muslims could be radicalized. Remember there are millions of american muslims who were born in this country and many in the military. Add the fact that Trump's rhetoric has called for barring them from entering if they are from certain countries or creating a registry.
You can't help but to believe that many of this american muslims will feel that they have no country and ill probably live in fear which would be very easy for them to become radicalized. It's a proven fact that when Trump first called for barring muslims- ISIS used his speech as propaganda for recruitment. This is another reason why a Trump presidency would be dangerous for the U.S booth domestically and internationally. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
So YOU and the other muzzie apologists ( like odummer ) want to keep planting YOUR tongue on their " brown eye ". That's sure done a lot of good over in Europe, now hasn't it Lube Wide-ass ! Gte those " moderate " muzzie to PUBLICALLY denounce them and get ANYONE from YOUR dumbascrap party to call them what they are : R-A-D-I-C-A-L I-S-L-A-M-I-C T-E-R-R-O-R-I-S-T !
But YOU can keep rimming them if you like !
IIFOFRDB and Rey Laguna final warning if you can't contribute anything except name calling and trolling I am going to block you guys and not allow you to comment on my thread. If the hijacking and the insults continue I know where to find the RTM button- is that understood?
IIFOFRDB and Rey Laguna final warning if you can't contribute anything except name calling and trolling I am going to block you guys and not allow you to comment on my thread. If the hijacking and the insults continue I know where to find the RTM button- is that understood? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

You can "Ignore" me but you can't stop me from posting on your retarded threads... Puke-Likley... RTM , till your goats/camels come home!

think about this if by some snowball in hell chance Trump gets elected( I still say he will lose big at least in the electoral count) but imagine how many American muslims could be radicalized. Remember there are millions of american muslims who were born in this country and many in the military. Add the fact that Trump's rhetoric has called for barring them from entering if they are from certain countries or creating a registry.
You can't help but to believe that many of this american muslims will feel that they have no country and ill probably live in fear which would be very easy for them to become radicalized. It's a proven fact that when Trump first called for barring muslims- ISIS used his speech as propaganda for recruitment. This is another reason why a Trump presidency would be dangerous for the U.S booth domestically and internationally. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
So you think if Trump wins the election and furthers his quest to ban Muslims entering the United states from Muslim Countries that are inundated with Radical Islamist Terrorist, that would arouse American born Muslims to take on a radical stance. I don't think that is nearly as probable than Muslims entering the country from Muslim countries like Syria that may establish radical groups here and attempt to recruit American born Muslims to participate in Islamic Extremism. I think that would be much more likely to happen.

So you think if Trump wins the election and furthers his quest to ban Muslims entering the United states from Muslim Countries that are inundated with Radical Islamist Terrorist, that would arouse American born Muslims to take on a radical stance. I don't think that is nearly as probable than Muslims entering the country from Muslim countries like Syria that may establish radical groups here and attempt to recruit American born Muslims to participate in Islamic Extremism. I think that would be much more likely to happen.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Jim- if the american born muslims feels like the POTUS doesn't want them here or is out to get muslims- they could easily buy into ISIS ideology that america is against Islam. You can look it up- ISIS used Trump's speech for propaganda. As much as I hate to say this - if by some miracle Trump wins- he will run a high risk of getting assassinated- trust me- some wacko muslim inspired by ISIS would take him out or you would see a great mass of ISIS attacks on american soil.
Jim- if the american born muslims feels like the POTUS doesn't want them here or is out to get muslims- they could easily buy into ISIS ideology that america is against Islam. You can look it up- ISIS used Trump's speech for propaganda. As much as I hate to say this - if by some miracle Trump wins- he will run a high risk of getting assassinated- trust me- some wacko muslim inspired by ISIS would take him out or you would see a great mass of ISIS attacks on american soil. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
You are a pussy, big time! Trump ain't scared and we ain't either...

Bring it 0zombie, Now...

  • DSK
  • 07-31-2016, 10:39 PM
Jim- if the american born muslims feels like the POTUS doesn't want them here or is out to get muslims- they could easily buy into ISIS ideology that america is against Islam. You can look it up- ISIS used Trump's speech for propaganda. As much as I hate to say this - if by some miracle Trump wins- he will run a high risk of getting assassinated- trust me- some wacko muslim inspired by ISIS would take him out or you would see a great mass of ISIS attacks on american soil. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
You could make the same argument the other way if Hillary wins, other American born lone wolves may be fed up and become radicalized also.

Just proof the races cannot coexist - each eventually sides with their own tribe.
Jim- if the american born muslims feels like the POTUS doesn't want them here or is out to get muslims- they could easily buy into ISIS ideology that america is against Islam. You can look it up- ISIS used Trump's speech for propaganda. As much as I hate to say this - if by some miracle Trump wins- he will run a high risk of getting assassinated- trust me- some wacko muslim inspired by ISIS would take him out or you would see a great mass of ISIS attacks on american soil. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
You're assuming a lot. I think we would have a higher probability of Muslim extremist blending in with the peaceful refugees. Once here, they could have a negative influence on not only refugees but American born Muslims as well. Countries are seldom destroyed from the outside, it happens from within. Muslims with radical ideas must enter this country to influence and bring about radical ideas and behavior against America.

LexusLover's Avatar
IIFOFRDB and Rey Laguna final warning if you can't contribute anything except name calling and trolling I am going to block you guys and not allow you to comment on my thread. If the hijacking and the insults continue I know where to find the RTM button- is that understood? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
TheDaliLama's Avatar
IIFOFRDB and Rey Laguna final warning if you can't contribute anything except name calling and trolling I am going to block you guys and not allow you to comment on my thread. If the hijacking and the insults continue I know where to find the RTM button- is that understood? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
What an idiot.
LexusLover's Avatar
You're assuming a lot.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
He does, doesn't he?

Here's the liberal theory, which the "Sarg" has bought, lock, stock, and barrel.

If we be nice to the terrorists and comply with their requests, they will leave us alone.

How's that been working out for "us"? Speaking of the Clintons ....

The "short list" .....

Feb. 26, 1993 --- bombing of WTC
June 25, 1996 – bombing of Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia,
August 7, 1998 – bombing of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania
October 12, 2000 – attack against the U.S.S. Cole
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
think about this if by some snowball in hell chance Trump gets elected( I still say he will lose big at least in the electoral count) but imagine how many American muslims could be radicalized. Remember there are millions of american muslims who were born in this country and many in the military. Add the fact that Trump's rhetoric has called for barring them from entering if they are from certain countries or creating a registry.
You can't help but to believe that many of this american muslims will feel that they have no country and ill probably live in fear which would be very easy for them to become radicalized. It's a proven fact that when Trump first called for barring muslims- ISIS used his speech as propaganda for recruitment. This is another reason why a Trump presidency would be dangerous for the U.S booth domestically and internationally. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
If Trumps election is all that it takes to radicalize them then we need to pitch them out. Wow! Do you realize how much your statement coincides with the election of 1860? If the election of Abraham Lincoln is enough for some states to secede then maybe we don't need them. I guess you would be a supporter of the south and slavery.