Desperate Mayor Uses Nation of Islam to Control Crime

joe bloe's Avatar
Crime has gotten so out of control in Chicago, that Jewish mayor Rahm Emanuel is using members of the so called Nation of Islam for security. The Nation of Islam's leader, Louis Farrakhan, is infamous for his anti-semitic views.

This is what happens after generations of one party Democrat rule. Chicago is corrupt to the core.

Except from: From SunTimes.Com

Rahm welcomes help from Farrakahn, ignores anti-Semitic remarks

Ignoring Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan’s history of anti-Semitic remarks, Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Wednesday welcomed the army of men dispatched to the streets by Farrakhan to stop the violence in Chicago neighborhoods

Ald. Debra Silverstein (50th), an Orthodox Jew, has said it’s good that Farrakhan is “helping” in the fight against crime, “but it doesn’t eradicate the comments that he’s made about the Jewish community.”

Emanuel offered no such caveat. Although Farrakhan has a history of making anti-Semitic statements, Chicago’s first Jewish mayor has no interest in revisiting that controversy.

He’s more concerned about reducing a 40 percent surge in Chicago homicides that’s become a media obsession and threatens to undermine his efforts to market Chicago to international tourists.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The best way for Chicago to combat crimes is maintain those high Chicago values by keeping undesirables out of the city. Like Chick-Fil-A.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 07-26-2012, 12:11 PM
Yep, kick out Chic Fil A, bring in the nation of islam. Makes perfect sense to me, just what Chicago deserves.....LMFAO
Al Capone loved chic-fil-a
joe bloe's Avatar
Al Capone loved chic-fil-a Originally Posted by ekim008

Saul Alinsky and Al Capone were friends. You can look it up.