“Knee Pads Harris” Chooses Minnesota Governor Walsh As Her VP Pick


She yielded to the far left “death to Israel” crowd and just dug a deep hole and jumped into it.

About the only person she could have chosen that is more far left would be AOC or Bernie.

There are no reports if Harris offered him any “fringed benefits” to get on board, something she is historically known for.
TechPapi's Avatar
He'll make a great VP. Make America Not Embarrassing Again
In the mean time, Pennsylvania Governor Shapiro has to be embarrassed in how he had to denounce his Jewish heritage and grovel at the alter of the ultra leftist beliefs in the hopes he would be chosen.

This will come back to haunt him, not only politically, but in his personal moral standing.

But then, he is a Democrat, where morals are kind of a suggestion, not ideals to live by.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
He's a ultra radical progressive. Trump tweeted out one word, thanks. The dream ticket. They're going to do for the country what they've done for the border and Minneapolis, which is a shit hole now.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
He'll make a great VP. Make America Not Embarrassing Again Originally Posted by TechPapi
Yeah…..there goes that new car smell.
I imagine the Beast is pretty gamey by now.
TechPapi's Avatar
It doesn't look like any of the righties on here should quit their jobs (assuming they have one) to be political analysts. There are so many predictions from people who are terrible at predictions. Too much Newsmax will do that to you. Then again, any MAGA bringing up "morals" and "character" is just funny all by itself. I appreciate the humor.

The VP potentials had more character in their little finger than the entire MAGA movement combined.

"Ultra" radical progressive. Giving free breakfast and lunches to school children will earn you that title I suppose. Hope it comes with tights and a cape.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
He's a ultra radical progressive. Trump tweeted out one word, thanks. The dream ticket. They're going to do for the country what they've done for the border and Minneapolis, which is a shit hole now. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
In Trump's own words, voters don't vote for the VP candidate.

When is the last time you've been in Minneapolis?
TechPapi's Avatar
In Trump's own words, voters don't vote for the VP candidate.

When is the last time you've been in Minneapolis?

they're going to do for the country what they've done for the border and Minneapolis,
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
See that? That's the beginning of the acceptance phase. MAGA is picking up on the fact that they're about to be doomed to the asshole of history.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Charleston, WV—Today, U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (I-WV) released the following statement on Vice President Kamala Harris choosing Governor Tim Walz (D-MN) as her running mate. “My friend Governor Tim Walz will bring normality back to the most chaotic political environment that most of us have ever seen. All of the candidates were strong and any one of them would have been a great pick, but I can think of no one better than Governor Walz to help bring our country closer together and bring balance back to the Democratic Party. Governor Walz is the real deal. I look forward to continuing to work with him to bring normalcy back to Washington.”

Like anybody gives a shit what lame duck Senator Manchin thinks.

He as stupid enough to back Biden on that dumb ass economic package for the promise of something he never got.

That’s why his popularity in WV was 3 points lower than whale shit.

Another important point about this pick. They just created the “perfect storm” to counter Kamala’s fake prosecutor shtick. Here we have the Governor of Minnesota telling the rioters during the George Floyd shopping sprees to burn it to the ground, and then having Harris run a get out of jail free card for all of these thugs.

TechPapi's Avatar
A decent human being that didn't think fucking hookers, and not getting an STI, entitled him to a purple heart. Apparently no bone spurs either.

MAGA heads are exploding everywhere.

A decent human being that didn't think fucking hookers, and not getting an STI, entitled him to a purple heart. Apparently no bone spurs either.

MAGA heads are exploding everywhere.

Originally Posted by TechPapi
And keep it broke!!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
And keep it broke!! Originally Posted by Jackie S
That meme was a confession about the last 4 years and now they’re begging for 4 more years of misery. Libtards are the angriest people on the planted.
He'll make a great VP. Make America Not Embarrassing Again Originally Posted by TechPapi
The last four years certainly have been embarrassing, but this dude won't make it any less embarrassing. I guarantee.
And keep it broke!! Originally Posted by Jackie S
Trump had Record deficits. Added 30% to the National debt in only 4 years, and had nothing remarkable for GDP growth from it.