ok guys/gals a few days ago there was a major news story that circulated on both liberal and conservative radio/tv shows. To sum up the story a fire department refused to hose a man's house that was burning because he hadn't paid the mandatory 75 dollar fire service fee in his county/city.
The man's house burned to the ground and he lost everything. A lot of tea party and conservative talk show pundits said it was the man's fault and he should have payed his fee and the fire department was right and refusing to save his house.
First things first- i want to point out that the man is an older gentleman who had worked all his life- so he's not some freeloader that is living off the government. The man stated that the miss fee was an over sight and that he told the fire department that he would pay the fee on the spot and his neighbor also told the fire department that he would pay the fee too. there were firemen willing to put out the fire but after calling the police chief- who was on a golf course by the way- the police chief said No- do not put water on the house.
What irks me about these right wing nut jobs is that they supposed to be so "religious" and have great values that see justification in knowing a man lost his home and precious items over a freaking 75 dollar bill that the man was willing to pay on the spot. Wow that is such a Christian thing to do conservatives. I am no expert of the Bible but I am almost positive that Jesus was helping/healing the sick and sinners anyway. i don't recall any verses in the Bible where Jesus said- you are not Holy so I am not healing you....
These kind of actions really make me weary of the Conservative movement- it's all a bunch of B.S- Hey I am not saying Dem's are perfect, but at least many of them were in support of this poor fellow. I understand the man's county has a 75 dollar fee, but there are times when you have to throw laws out the book and look at an individual as a human being FIRST!
In my years as a Pharmacist I have been in numerous situations where a patient has come to my Pharmacy without any refills remaining for a crucial medication that teats their asthma, Diabetes, Blood pressure or seizures and yes legally I could tell them- hey tough luck you don't have any refills remaining you are going to have to wait to Monday for the doctor to approve or you or going to have to go to the ER. legally i could have done and said those remarks and no harm on me or my Pharmacy license would have been placed, but as a human being I have always loaned them enough pills to last them until monday because I have compassion for my fellow human being and I don't want to see anyone needlessly suffer. If any of you think that it was ok for a man to lose his home over a 75 bill Shame on you!