Changes to improve safety

The alerts section is worthless Alerts about clients and providers should be posted in a way that when searching for an individual it would be noted.. The alert section is filed by city but should be posted to the person. The protection of all of us would be enhanced .
ck1942's Avatar
That might work for persons with handles here, but obviously other search criteria would be necessary for non-handled perps.

imo, those who understand how to operate searches properly are unlikely to miss much, but proper searching isn't always easy or less than time consuming.

Better is folks who properly utilize vouching and verification protocols.
CK how do you search out all of the alerts on a random provider?
TryWeakly's Avatar
You, OP, are assuming that people who put out alerts on clients are...

1) ....getting the right "tard" handle (a tremendous amount of multiple handles is afoot, so you it is mostly a waste of time for them to post something because the subject-handle is probably a burner)

2) ...have a real phone number (same thing applies, burner phones are almost as cheap as alternate handles.. )

3) ..not scorned for some reason and just want to put out fake news...

Just sayin...
You assume some alerts are pay back because some one was unhappy. If this is a common occurrence than the alerts section is not o be believed. I look at the alerts section as a safety measure to protect all of us in the hobby. There is absolutely no way for us to comb through every alert section to find the dangerous providers or for that matter the bad clients. In the separate alert sections we each must make a determine if the alert is false or truthful. The addition of the alerts on every ones page will still leave it to each individual to make up our mind if it is some thing we need to be cautious about.
ck1942's Avatar
Tucson, unless one has a lot of time to search, my suggestion is use a global search here and also on google.

Use known search elements -- phone, email possibly photo.

Narrow the search to a given one or two city forum sets.

Understand that totally new providers and or hobbyists likely won't show much if any results, so searching is both negative and positive. Which means "crapshoot!"
Wakeup's Avatar
I look at the alerts section as a safety measure to protect all of us in the hobby. Originally Posted by tucson
I guess I expect to much thinking ECCIE would add the alerts to the provider's or client's alerts to their page. At this time I contact providers that I know for information. CK I am happy to say the opportunity of meeting ladies at your socials has provided a chance to meet some fantastic women
Wakeup's Avatar
Wait...did you just imply that the whores at Queen Tut's socials are safer???

Wakeup as usual your post makes no sense. You an I were introduced at a social years ago.
Please stick to the topic.
Wakeup's Avatar
How am I not??? You're the one who brought it up! Don't get nagry at me when you implied something stupid, just think before posting next time.
sexy.princess's Avatar
Another issue with that, at least from a provider's point, is that when we do call out a person for dangerous behavior, they easily change their handle.

This is with hobbyists at least. I'm not sure if that does happen or similar things with providers.

Although, I do understand your suggestion. Would make it much easier for everyone to research each other.
After reading some alerts I think some are bull shit and the guy was having a shit fit over nothing. Some dealing with pimps/managers/boy friends worry me as there is a chance of a bad out come. My experience with pimps involve me holding a gun on him.
Wakeup's Avatar
Because it's always a good idea to mix weapons with misdemeanors...
ramblinman69's Avatar
My experience with pimps involve me holding a gun on him. Originally Posted by tucson
Surely you can't be serious. And don't call me Shirley.