Even CNN Thinks Obama is Lying

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
They always know he is lying it's that they never admit it.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Aw, COGrits, you've never been one to let truth or facts get in the way so I suppose this is a celebratory thread?
This is funny!

http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013...-his-shooting/ Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Thought his comment was.We have skeet shooting all the time at camp David I have friends go there all the time.Never did say I shoot skeet.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
you thought wrong
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Aw, COGrits, you've never been one to let truth or facts get in the way so I suppose this is a celebratory thread? Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
What is untruthful, RaggedyAndy? You clowns keep calling me a liar, and never offer any proof. It's your way of avoiding reality. If I was a liberal, and watching what was truly happening, I'd want to avoid reality too.
you thought wrong Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

F- you fail again dolly.
budman33's Avatar
Whether he skeet shoots or not at camp david is newsworthy? Obama never shits either because there are no photos.
This is just my opinion, but I seriously doubt The President shoots much skeet.

One thing that is coming out into the open though this entire Gun Debate is that it seems quite a few Americans are willing to step up and say that the 2d Amendment is not about Hunting, target shooting, or Shooting Skeet.

This has many polititians worried. Which, come to think of it, is exactly what the 2d Amendment is all about.
You clowns keep calling me a liar, and never offer any proof. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
StupidOldLyingFart (emphasis on the stupid and lying), you have previously admitted (in a prior thread) that you are a liar.

You specifically stated, "Yeah. I lied." (Your exact words, not mine) There's proof, StupidOldLyingFart is a self admitted liar.

There is only one interpretation for that admission. How much more proof do you need?

Are you now saying that you lied about referring to yourself as a liar? If so, wouldn't that make you a liar x 2?

And you wonder why people refer to you as both a liar and a StupidOldFart, thus StupidOldLyingFart.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You don't understand sarcasm. Figures. How long did it take you find that? Idiot.
You don't understand sarcasm. Figures. How long did it take you find that? Idiot. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Not long, you fucking self admitted liar!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
LOL! Go with that, BTLD! I think it's funny that the only "lie" you can find of mine is one I pointed out, and told you it was sarcasm. Knock yourself, LittleMan.

LOL! Go with that, BTLD! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Believe me, you have not heard the last of it. LIAR!!!!!

LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
What is untruthful, RaggedyAndy? You clowns keep calling me a liar, and never offer any proof. It's your way of avoiding reality. If I was a liberal, and watching what was truly happening, I'd want to avoid reality too. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Wow! Just like Obama LOL If you two ever meet you will definitely have a lot in common to talk about.

BTW, I've never called you a liar, just usually (not always) clueless, deluded, wrong or delusional.