Just to add to the conversation and a Bush win!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A student asked about the election the other day (when do we know who wins and all) and my answer swerved into strange territory.

On November 8th, we all vote and the voting is over. Each state will count their votes and a slate of electors is elected to represent the state. (So we know on November 8th?) Not exactly, because the electors really elect the president. They cast their votes in December. (So when do we know?) Probably November 8th, but officially we don't know until the Congress counts the electoral votes in January. (Won't the electoral votes be known before that?) Traditionally, knowing who won each state we will know which state of electors will be chosen BUT electors don't have to vote with the state. (What?) Yep, electors don't have it carved in stone that they have to go along with the state. The last time this happened was 1976 in the Carter v Ford election. Of course, anyone who goes against the party can kiss their career path goodbye. (So they will vote like the state voted?) Very likely but it is possible that the establishment pols who will make up the electors could decide to desert en masse for someone else. If the GOP knows it won the elections already on November 8th then they could all vote for JEB Bush. Or, more likely, some of them could decided that they can't vote for Trump in any circumstance and deny Trump the win. Of course Hillary doesn't win either and the election goes to the House. (Won't the country be upset?) The country would be furious. Pitchforks and torches would descend on DC for an answer. The Constitution is clear even if people haven't read it or understand it.

So we will know on the night of November 8th who the next president is going to be....probably but there is a very small, teeny-weeny chance of something else happening.

This might help make things clear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKVImK7DFFU
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I brought that up in another thread, but with Soros bribing those electors to vote hillary in contravention to state results and denying Trump a win.

I think there will be attempts to deny Trump a win by whatever means if it does happen.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I brought that up in another thread, but with Soros bribing those electors to vote hillary in contravention to state results and denying Trump a win.

I think there will be attempts to deny Trump a win by whatever means if it does happen. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
heres the link I forgot to post

If memory serves, the electoral voters have not completely voted for the candidate they were supposed to, but when it happened, it was only one or two "miscasts."

With Trump winning Michigan last I read there would have to be a systematic breakdown in order for Clinton to pull it out. However, she's conceded and should be advising the Dem supporters to follow the constitution.

My concern is trumped up criminal charges (pun intended) and civil lawsuits against Trump between now and inauguration day.
  • DSK
  • 11-14-2016, 06:38 AM
If memory serves, the electoral voters have not completely voted for the candidate they were supposed to, but when it happened, it was only one or two "miscasts."

With Trump winning Michigan last I read there would have to be a systematic breakdown in order for Clinton to pull it out. However, she's conceded and should be advising the Dem supporters to follow the constitution.

My concern is trumped up criminal charges (pun intended) and civil lawsuits against Trump between now and inauguration day. Originally Posted by gnadfly
He can delay all that stuff for at least 4 years. No way he has time for petty BS and who is going to enforce it?
LexusLover's Avatar
My concern is trumped up criminal charges (pun intended) and civil lawsuits against Trump between now and inauguration day. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I wouldn't lose too much sleep over the idea.