waverunner234's Avatar
Happiest countries.

Follow the link and I seriously don't know why FOX and all Republicans are trying to scare us because "we don't want to be a European Country".

7 out of the 10 listings are European countries.
And the US? I'm sorry, didn't make it to the list.

They have more holidays, more vacation, less commuting time, less obesity, less stress, and I could go on and on and on.
Oh and way less crime and most of those countries are tolerant when it comes to soft drugs.

Oh, and of course, hobbying is legal
Most of those countries haven't "run out of other people's money" ...yet.

You bring up a good point though. In the past "Liberal" in this country stood for the legalization of certain substances and activities. Now it stands for more govt control and wealth usurpation.
im happy:

1. i am guaranteed a job
2. i am guaranteed step increases in salary based on longevity alone, i can be a major fuck up and who cares
3. i can take breaks and respond solvenly to anyone i wish, we are no respecter of persons in that regard.
4. full benefits and 20 days of holidays and of course a two month vacation each year (they call vacations "holiday" too but I didnt want to confuse you)
5. i retire at full wage at the age of 50
6.just keep this up until i die of an old age, who cares about the country and our kids and who cares about anything else but me
7. we will let the americans (well about half the americans) or south koreans or tawainese or japanese develop new products and work hard. the american pharmacuetical industry will develop new drugs and we shall place price controls on them here, because we know the american people will pay full price (well about half the americans) to subsidize the rest of us. we know the idiots will do it and of course their military will protect us. what idiots (well about half of them), believing in liberty and freedom and that hard work should be rewarded. as for us, just give us our daily ration and you better make it a double portion.
8. and why arent americans as equally as happy as us according to polls? well its the portion of americans who dont want to do anything who want to get all the freebies who skew the happiness results

im not happy when:

JUST YOU TRY AND CHANGE THAT. Then we will burn the streets of paris

if we became like europe, then no one could be "like europe". that would ruin it for them very quickly, sooner than current events may
anaximander's Avatar
The whole world remembers
Europes manned trip to the moon.

If despots or dictators try choking
international waterways you can
count on a European carrier task force
to save the day.

Famine, flood, natural disasters
who is first on the scence with
food, medical help, and recovery assistance?
Yep Europe again.

Who's having riots in the streets
because the govt teat is going dry?

To hell with europe.
waverunner234's Avatar