UPDATE: Gingrich Ex ABC Interview To Air Thursday on Nightline

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This will probably be the end of Newt as a candidate. This is good news for Fox since they have been looking for a replacement for Glenn Beck.


Wow. That last sentence in the link about him believing his personal life should be separate from his public life sounds like the montra of the most popular political figure in America, Bill Clinton.

Too bad Newt isn't a Democrat.
Wow. That last sentence in the link about him believing his personal life should be separate from his public life sounds like the montra of the most popular political figure in America, Bill Clinton.

Too bad Newt isn't a Democrat. Originally Posted by Jackie S
clinton was about lying under oath. they tried their best to make it seem as if it was about a personal life .

as to personal lives, obama's wasnt looked into by the MSM, nor clinton's , nor john edward's..just a republican can be..and this on the eve of a big election

as to newt's ex-wife..yeah i get her bitterness, divorce can be like that. i had a brother-in-law who used to say if he knew he had one week to live, he'd drive to wisconsin and kill his ex....but wasnt newt's ex involved in wresting newt from his first wife? and now shes still got all this bitterness bubbling out of her? seems the years should have made her consider her own faults and been a release valve on her pent-up rage. just indicates to me a certain psychosis
As for ending his tenure as a Presidential Hopeful, it depends on how ABC edits the interview. If his Ex comes accross as a spitefull bitch, the whole thing might help Gingrich.

Of course, ABC will use their skills to make it look as bad as they possibly can.

But come on, the general consensus among most voters now is that this ole gal was giving up the pussy to Newt while his current wife was laying on her deathbed. Could it really be any worse than that. I mean come on, what did he do. Kick the familly dog.

The Dems are scared shitless of the Former Speaker because despite his moral failures, he is a brilliant thinker. If he ever gets to go one on one with the "Teleprompter in Chief", he will eat him alive.
As for ending his tenure as a Presidential Hopeful, it depends on how ABC edits the interview. If his Ex comes accross as a spitefull bitch, the whole thing might help Gingrich.

Of course, ABC will use their skills to make it look as bad as they possibly can.

But come on, the general consensus among most voters now is that this ole gal was giving up the pussy to Newt while his current wife was laying on her deathbed. Could it really be any worse than that. I mean come on, what did he do. Kick the familly dog.

The Dems are scared shitless of the Former Speaker because despite his moral failures, he is a brilliant thinker. If he ever gets to go one on one with the "Teleprompter in Chief", he will eat him alive. Originally Posted by Jackie S
You're delusional. The Dems would love to have Newt as your nominee. He's an arrogant, unlikeable, condescending nut with a ton of baggage. If there is anybody less likeable than Romney on your side of the fence, it's Gingrich. You lose the independent vote that the GOP has a legitimate shot at with Romney as their nominee.

Regarding the interview, I love how you people take the position that anything a media outlet prints, airs or puts out on the internet is the result of some sort of bias....unless of course, they take a position you agree with. Newt cheated on his last wife with his current wife. That's just a fact whether you like it or not. You can spin it any way you like but there is significant segment of the population (along with a lot of conservative republicans) that takes a dim view of that sort of thing.
Iaintliein's Avatar
The good news is that someone out there thinks Romney is vulnerable enough to pay Newt's ex to spew. The bad news will be if it works and the MSM manages to once again set up a bowling pin opposite the POSITOO so they can then knock it down (Romney).

As distasteful as I find Newt, he's better than ORomneama.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Saying Newt is better than ORomneama is like saying cat shit tastes better than horseshit. At the end of the day, it's all shit.
Boltfan's Avatar
Hell, he wants an open marriage. Ain't much different that most of us assholes here.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Hell, he wants an open marriage. Ain't much different that most of us assholes here. Originally Posted by Boltfan
Oh come now, how many of us have bitchy ex's who'd love to tell the world via television what assholes we are. . er . . oh. . . never-mind.
Doesn't seem to me that Newt's wish for an "open marriage" is likely to go over well with Republican base voters.

It may make him look more French than John Kerry!
This shit will slide right off a NEWTS back. You watch this slick MF'er come out of this. I do not care I will vote for what ever GOP'er is left. O'slappy has less than 1 year left to fuk our country up Brothers.
This shit will slide right off a NEWTS back. You watch this slick MF'er come out of this. I do not care I will vote for what ever GOP'er is left. O'slappy has less than 1 year left to fuk our country up Brothers. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
wellendowed1911's Avatar
This shit will slide right off a NEWTS back. You watch this slick MF'er come out of this. I do not care I will vote for what ever GOP'er is left. O'slappy has less than 1 year left to fuk our country up Brothers. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
It's people like you who make this country so fucked up because you are so fucking delusional that you think because a person has a letter R or a letter D behind their title that they are going to make your life better or worse- what a moron and a puppet you are to the system. I guess in your world if a Republican gets in office the deficit will go away- UE will fall to below 4% - there will be no more wars, no more suffering, crime will be at an all time low- hell maybe the escorts rates will go down. Are you that foolish to believe that a Republican in office is really going to have a change in your life???
If you want to know what was the biggest single one event that fucked up this country- just go back to George Dubyah Bush decision to invade Iraq- that war has cost us 3 fucking Trillion dollars- almost 1/4 of our wealth went to that useless war and Iraq is no better under Saddam than without him and add another 1 trillion dollars spent fighting a man who operated out of a cave who wasn't closed to be captured for 7 years under Bush.
Someone made the analogy that blaming Obama is like a starting pitcher blows a huge lead- gives up 6 earned runs and a relief pitcher comes in and you guys blame the relief pitcher instead of blaming the starting pitcher who blew the lead and got the team into a mess.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
In this case, the relief pitcher is giving up more runs than the starter, but you are right, the D or R after a candidate's name is meaningless.

We need a Mariano Rivera of politics.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
In this case, the relief pitcher is giving up more runs than the starter, but you are right, the D or R after a candidate's name is meaningless.

We need a Mariano Rivera of politics. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COG all jokes aside a dipshit can say I am against abortion, for gun-control and against gay marriage and that's all people will need to think hey this is my guy he should be POTUS- the dipshit could be wrong on every other issue but nowadays if a person stands behind 3 principles he can get millions to follow him that's how ignorant american voters have become and it's the same for Democrats.
One thing about you COG that I respect and we have disagreed on various issue but at least you have the balls to call out a politician regardless of the political affiliation. I have seen you call out Obama on issues you don't believe he's right on and I have equally seen you call out Republicans by the same tune and you got it right politics is like choosing between arsenic and cyanide.
People on here think I am this Obama loving guy- but I actually think he's done a fair to decent job- I think things would have been much better if Congress wasn't in such a stalemate, but I honestly don't think overall any of the GOP running would do an OVERALL better job so as of now Obama is getting my vote- but people are idiots if they really think there lives are going to change to such a degree if we elect one over the other.