Recent Revelation

Something happened yesterday that made me realize just how much I've changed. I used to feel like everyone had to like me and be my friend. But in reality nobody owes me anything and I only need those that value & respect me..The best part is I'm ok with that! Today my thoughts are with all of you that value me and not with the ones that don't

Peace Out!
Thanks for the thoughts, babe. Sent you a PM.
livn2do's Avatar
Who gives a FUCK what anyone thinks. You dont need validation from anyone. Rock on Michelle.
Irish14's Avatar
Exactly Michelle... There will always be "haters" in every aspect of your life.... Fuck 'em! Attempting to make everyone happy is insanity at it's finest. Just be you and as you said, focus on those that appreciate you and NOT those that don't...
What Livin and Irish said !!! Just be you . Cheers.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
“When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everyone will respect you.”
- Lao Tzu - 6th century BC
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
"The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it."
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. Meditations book IV