Are most escorts, particularly those at the high-end, able to make a living from escorting?
I have a question for the high-end, luxury escort: how many clients do you typically see per month?
Are most escorts, particularly those at the high-end, able to make a living from escorting?Typical month I may meet with 2-3 individuals. The vast majority are people I already know. On average I meet 3-6 new people a year.
I have a question for the high-end, luxury escort: how many clients do you typically see per month? Originally Posted by surfergirl
1. Depends on the lady.
2. Depends on the lady.
FYI, it's a little uncouth to ask strangers about their financial affairs, no matter what business they're in. I know you're probably just curious, but remember that, in general, the same rules of etiquette from "the real world" apply here too. Keep in mind that we also don't know you -- you could be a lady looking to enter the biz, or you could be the IRS. And anyone could be reading!
Personally, yes, this has been a very sound financial decision for me, and when I'm actively working, I'm happy with the number of gentlemen I see. But unless you're my accountant, that's about as detailed as I'll get. Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest
Are most escorts, particularly those at the high-end, able to make a living from escorting?Every woman will have a different answer. But from a guys view and limited knowledge, none of the ladies that I have seen in that last two years have had work outside of this business, but one. Not sure how you define high end, but these ladies have rates ranging from 350-1000 per hour. Apparently they are "making a living" from their endevours. The one that maintains her career, could easily make a living. She doesnt want to put up with the pace to make a living doing this. She might see two in a week or one in two or three weeks. Seeing her is a great experience as she is always a fresh experience.
I have a question for the high-end, luxury escort: how many clients do you typically see per month? Originally Posted by surfergirl
But from a guys view and limited knowledge, none of the ladies that I have seen in that last two years have had work outside of this business, but one. Originally Posted by JT10My experience has been the opposite. Of the ladies that I have seen on a semi-regular basis only one of them did not have a "day" job.