Is Dallas dry or is it me?

Been very dry out here lately or maybe is it because I’m not in the north Dallas Plano area ?
ntxguy's Avatar
Lube will help you with that problem.
TinMan's Avatar
Have you tried creating a Bio Page, which were introduced this summer?

It appears you can provide a bit more information there than what has typically been allowed the last few years. For example, when I see beneath your Avatar that your location is “Dallas”, I automatically assume you mean that area of town you understandably identify as being the location where most hobbyists and ladies seem to be located, since sadly for many of us that is usually the case.

I’ve seen a number of ladies’ Bio Pages that include some good information and links. I’m not sure if the Available Now feature is working yet, since it seems to identify women who haven’t logged in for quite awhile. I’ve not checked lately to see if staff has fixed that bug.
With increased prices, quality of service and PDs doing their thing…it ll be dry for a while. I think most of us are seeing the regulars or providers who are well reviewed.

With all due respect, if someone is asking more than the regular/expected $, they should provide the same quality of service and for gods sake everyone should update their pics(not just their face) . I recently saw a provider who was well reviewed but she has no pics of her full body. I was so disappointed after seeing her. Thats the reason why i see my regulars everytime.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Where in Dallas? Close to downtown is great for me. I hate driving way out north to the Galleria. Never mind Plano.
I've been saying this, but people just call the crazy guy as usual. The reasons it's "dry" are very simple and obvious. I've been living in this city too long.
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
Been very dry out here lately or maybe is it because I’m not in the north Dallas Plano area ? Originally Posted by Jadayella
Nothing but old bitter woke fatties, mostly ugly damaged chics, entitled psychos, scammers with drama, and over priced boss bitches that over promise and under deliver. Just not worth the effort, time, energy, attention or money anymore.

We're over it and have moved on...You know gone our own way (MGTOW).

You keep your time and we'll keep our money, dignity and peace.
I think it is drier than last year, especially guys like me where I do not like plan this thing like 2, 3 or a week head of time. I want to get it done within couple of hours or in same day.

All those screening makes me impossible to do it ( for incalls ) + For your case , South part of Dallas is bit far drive than I am willing to maket
corona's Avatar
Product. Availability. Rate. Activities. Location. Attitude.

Your 2 reviews on here aren't really good.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Avatar pic will help, so guys know what you look like before checking out your profile.
I agree with Gina... but dont overly PS it. If you PS it to make you look 10 years younger (just using this as an example), you may get a short term increase.. but possibly more reviews saying the pictures are fake which will hurt long run.

For me, like others have said, I know my budget and I have a few regulars that I see and sticking to right now due to our great chemistry/fun we have and rate is just right for my budget.
Its been a little off and on for me but I do have a real world job and located in Plano
BabyDallass's Avatar
So debating now should Dallass come to Dallas? lol ��

I used to go years ago but I haven’t been back since, It was decent then. But times always change a good thing :/
So debating now should Dallass come to Dallas? lol ��

I used to go years ago but I haven’t been back since, It was decent then. But times always change a good thing :/ Originally Posted by BabyDallass
You should come to see me. Other than that, I don't recommend it.
  • txch
  • 11-20-2024, 04:11 PM
it's like everything dry for some and wet for some