Number giving me an undeserved reputation

Black Dahlia's Avatar
The number I am currently using was used by a BP girl in TX a few years ago. I've had a few clients text me thinking I'm her, mentioning ads, sending me her pictures. At first I thought she was using my pictures x, I looked it up .And let's just say she definitely looks like a BP girl. I'm worried about this affecting my reputation (it also shows up on those escort report scam sites). But I'm also worried about changing my numberher for older or potential clients.
Is she using your pictures? An image search shows same pics and a few other fake pics being used with a few different numbers. She used your pics from a while back that you're using now.

They don't have to be pro pics just some better pics. Get rid of the grainy pics and show the guys something.

Own who you are! Do good appts and earn a good reputation now!
Black Dahlia's Avatar
The weird thing is I've only been active a few months and there is a girl's​ ads are years old. And use the same number as my current one.
Listen to Seeking ~P's advice.

If her ads are years old, at some point they'll stop looking for her, for now just have a little patience and work on YOURSELF.

Also, those escort report websites are, AFAIK, fake. So if a client uses that against you, that's probably a client you don't want to see anyway.

Have focus. Or, if that situation is keeping you from having the focus you need, change your number.

Good luck!
IF you are not associated with the former owner of that phone number, AND are interested in developing a good reputation...

Get a new number. You've only been on here a couple of months. The longer you're around and the more clients you have, the more problems you will have changing your number. NOW is the time to do it. Old, incorrect info stays on the Internet for years & years.

Call/text your current clients to give them your new number.
Black Dahlia's Avatar
Thanks y'all. I'm accept this advice
I would just change my # and move on...That may be what is best for you. When you do so just let all of your old clients know you are doing so...
Good luck!!