Hi Mobile, checking interest

Cobi Daniels's Avatar
I get random requests, but not enough to warrant a trip. If interested in a visit next week, please send a PM, so I can plan accordingly!

Seems like a last minute request type of town, hope I am wrong! lol
I can guarantee an appointment, if you visit. PM Me

I get random requests, but not enough to warrant a trip. If interested in a visit next week, please send a PM, so I can plan accordingly!

Seems like a last minute request type of town, hope I am wrong! lol Originally Posted by Cobi Daniels
Cobi Daniels's Avatar
Thanks, M

I am surely trying, but it is hard to get advanced commitments, lol.
Mobile is definitely hit or miss. I go through twice a month because I have to pass through to see old friends/family and it's never been solid enough to justify staying. Last minute appointments are more frequent that planned for me with mobile.
You haven't had zero interest... don't let the ones who have shown interest suffer just because these guys in this town don't appreciate beauty!!!

Can't wait to meet you!! :-)