Encounter: Cameron - what a surprisingly terrible experience

Date: February 2019
Name: Cameron
User ID:: Cameron Houston
Phone: 281-928-7381
Email Address: cameronhouston11@gmail.com
URL / Website: https://www.eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=212184
City: Houston
State: Texas
Address: Westchase area
Activities: Rules were the order of the day, if i wanted this much drama, i could get a girlfriend.
Hair Length and Color: Tied in a knot so not sure how long, black
Age: late 30's, probably looks older
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: Hispanic
Physical Description: Good ass (her best feature), voluptuous, a bit of a tummy, teeth need a little work but not bad, she is overall ok.
Recommendation: Hell No...Never again.
This is why she has a "no review policy" on oh2. Seen enough bad reviews to not let her prices entice me.
loveitdou's Avatar
Thanks for the Very Good Review
jaa's Avatar
  • jaa
  • 02-22-2019, 09:52 AM
thank you for the honest and informative review..

There's enough information to keep you guys away from shitty providers
You keep seeing them anyway
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
That's a first.
jaa's Avatar
  • jaa
  • 02-22-2019, 01:03 PM
There's enough information to keep you guys away from shitty providers
You keep seeing them anyway Originally Posted by Prince Akeem Of Zamunda
this is true, but only part of the problem.. the other part is undeserved YES reviews..
PeterPipeHer's Avatar
Do your research
DocHolyday's Avatar
I'm NOT here to get into a pissing match with anybody but are you sure you saw Cameron?? To my knowledge, this lady does not smoke. Maybe she just started this week??
jaa's Avatar
  • jaa
  • 02-22-2019, 03:28 PM
I'm NOT here to get into a pissing match with anybody but are you sure you saw Cameron?? To my knowledge, this lady does not smoke. Maybe she just started this week?? Originally Posted by DocHolyday

I clicked on about 10 of her reviews at random, 4 said smoker, 3 said couldn't tell, and 3 said non smoker...

my money is on smoker...
this is true, but only part of the problem.. the other part is undeserved YES reviews.. Originally Posted by jaa
Even providers with bad reputations have their fans
It's wise to read "Meh " and No Reviews first

P.s Op just shared his experience,he didn't try to ruin her business at all
Sounded like a repeat from her other No reviews

They both will live...
Wow!, I thought I was the only one who had a bad experience with her. I wasn’t sure if I should of wrote a review on her. Nice girl in general, but her service was subpar at best. She should of paid me with the service I gave her.
Wow!, I thought I was the only one who had a bad experience with her. I wasn’t sure if I should of wrote a review on her. Nice girl in general, but her service was subpar at best. She should of paid me with the service I gave her. Originally Posted by anotheguy12
I don't blame people for not writing a No review coz that shit takes time to put together, and then the drama that follows it is epic...and the ladies banding together in cohorts to ensure they drown out the noise of a bad review...To me, its just a bad review of a time I spent with someone, what comes after is something I don't pay much attention to. I excuse a lot, but this one was way over the top.
What a bad attitude! Sorry it went that way bro
Whosthebest's Avatar
I had a horrible time with her as well. I had trouble finding a review before I went in. She kept texting and wouldnt be a refrence unless I saw her multiple times she said. Bng was mostly a handjob with me