Let's celebrate the vulva

I was scrolling through Instagram today and came across this


Initially I thought it was kinda funny so I'm doing my part to get it more exposure. After all , none of us would be here without it
Zeman's Avatar
  • Zeman
  • 11-05-2024, 07:49 AM
Push push in the bush!
eyecu2's Avatar
yet some on this board will say that Michelle Obama's FUPA is actually a cock. I wonder how many of these gents have bigger FUPAs than she does? And the whole she gotta dick thing just makes me wonder if any of them have seen a pussy with a pad on it.

Me,- I love vulva's and since I'm a child of the 70's, I love some bush. I can appreciate a trimmed up one, but shave seems unattractive to me.

I wonder if any Volvo drivrs did some creative scripting on the last O, and turned it into an A!
We all love what we love. I'm also a child of the 70s, but love a perfectly shaven pussy. Landing strip is cool too, but seeing a bush, in this day and age, is a big turnoff for me.
chizzy's Avatar
yet some on this board will say that Michelle Obama's FUPA is actually a cock. I wonder how many of these gents have bigger FUPAs than she does? And the whole she gotta dick thing just makes me wonder if any of them have seen a pussy with a pad on it.

Me,- I love vulva's and since I'm a child of the 70's, I love some bush. I can appreciate a trimmed up one, but shave seems unattractive to me.

I wonder if any Volvo drivrs did some creative scripting on the last O, and turned it into an A! Originally Posted by eyecu2
Do u really have to make e erything polictical? Go get laid for gods sake eye.....

U know i hate tommys posts on polictical shit but we exchange good pussy info and keep the politics out of it. U need to separate that shit
Honestly, a well shaped and manicured bush is as much a turn on as bare can be. Really depends on the lady too.

The only thing I'm not into is the haven't ever been trimmed, Amazon rainforest bush. At the very least, there's scissors!
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