Hi. I'd like to know if one can

annie@christophers's Avatar
Leave..and totally take my name with me.. as in NOBODY can use it.?
annie@christophers's Avatar
Scuse me.. I'm asking would one go about it? But must be name cometh..
We can disable it, once you gives a reason. Disabling will preserve the name. If we guested your acct then it would become available for someone else to take on the board
annie@christophers's Avatar
Nevermind. Ain't nobody taking my name..files ok. Buy never my name. Ty ..xxoo
you leaving the hobby business?
annie@christophers's Avatar
Was a simple question. But when decide to....my name should get a viking funeral. Or I'd not sleep well...and.. .well..lol. yall know how that goes. Dontcha...????
If you request to disable your acct. Your name would remain yours if you ever decided to come back. Off the board is your buisness
annie@christophers's Avatar
If and when I leave 15 or 20 years from now lol, I want my Name to leave with me, never to be used again by anyone....Melissa Madyson is a household name .. I am a brand just like Kim Kardashian...
Discreet referrals's Avatar
Just secure that URL so some shady bitch doesn't do this

NO, we are not affiliated whatsoever

Lmao, nice try though. Happy Holidays
annie@christophers's Avatar
Are you talking about ..AGAIN.. oh I remember..how fucking stupid I am.. well bitch AGAIN... don't fuck with me. Your always the SMARTEST KNIFE IN THE DRAW. A......
P.s. as long as thought were me..or you...lmaof...carry on.. (6 months??)
n0laARIES87's Avatar
No need comparing yourself 2 a Kardashian Melissa. Gemstones need not consort with pebbles.
Discreet referrals's Avatar
Do you mean You're always the SMARTEST KNIFE IN THE DRAWER?

Sure, you bought discreetreferrals.com, but that doesn't make you look smart...just desperate and shady. I just wanted to clarify there is NO affiliation.

Minion, go play and retire for a tenth time. Give it up already!
Where did you get the idea that I'm retiring? I'm doing just fine, thanks for the sincere concern.

Oh, no need to answer the question above, it was rhetorical.

Merry Christmas to you and your family, Heidi.