Bank of America relesased two dire estimates of the economy going into 2012; it is not good news for Obama re-eleciton hopes.
1) No debt deal and a downgrade in ratings from the other agencies;
2) Continued weak job creation due to federal cutbacks and lackluster government spending...
As Obama has confirmed, Americans are worse off since Obama was sworn into the Presidency !
Only 455 days left........and counting down !
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Show me one report where it says if there's a new President in 2012 that it's going to be economic prosperity???? The last report I have seen from Economicist who are neutral they are predicting the U.S to be out of the misery by late 2013 or 2014
REGARDLESS of who is in office- so this isn't bad news for Obama- it's just you trying to paint a false picture- the shit has been fucked up since 2007 to 2008 and every economist I have heard point to the Bush years as the root call.
Question for you Whirlway- should the leaders of France, Germany, U.K, Japan, Greece, and Canada all not seek re-election- last I heard those nations have their own serious economic issues.
Odds are Obama will get re-elected in 2012- I think now he has all the teachers, fire fighters and cops vote since not one Republican voted on a bill in the jobs plan that would create and maintain jobs in those areas- way to go GOP and and all the GOP contenders except Paul thinks the troops shouldn't come home this year but rather stay in Iraq- a war that cost nearly 500 million tax payer dollars day- wow that idea will get the GOP some votes and make them popular.
Can you imagine this during a debate in 2012:
Barack Obama: I am proud that I stood by my promise and all the troops were home from Iraq by 12-31-2011.
GOP Nominee: "President Obama you failed again- we should have kept troops in Iraq much longer- in fact when and if I win this election I am going to send troops back to Iraq so we can finish this war."
Hmmmm Whirlway- which statement you think would get the louder applause?