Continued Bad Economic News...

Bank of America relesased two dire estimates of the economy going into 2012; it is not good news for Obama re-eleciton hopes.

1) No debt deal and a downgrade in ratings from the other agencies;

2) Continued weak job creation due to federal cutbacks and lackluster government spending...

As Obama has confirmed, Americans are worse off since Obama was sworn into the Presidency !

Only 455 days left........and counting down !
BigLouie's Avatar
This may stun you but I fully expect Obama to get re-elected. Not because of his success but because the Republican candidates are such a bunch fruitcakes.

As for the bad economy, I truly believe we would be in the same situation no matter who was president. Let me ask you this. If McCain had been elected do you think the whole bank crisis, sub-prime failure and almost collapse of US auto industry would have happened? Yes or No.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Bank of America relesased two dire estimates of the economy going into 2012; it is not good news for Obama re-eleciton hopes.

1) No debt deal and a downgrade in ratings from the other agencies;

2) Continued weak job creation due to federal cutbacks and lackluster government spending...

As Obama has confirmed, Americans are worse off since Obama was sworn into the Presidency !

Only 455 days left........and counting down ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Show me one report where it says if there's a new President in 2012 that it's going to be economic prosperity???? The last report I have seen from Economicist who are neutral they are predicting the U.S to be out of the misery by late 2013 or 2014 REGARDLESS of who is in office- so this isn't bad news for Obama- it's just you trying to paint a false picture- the shit has been fucked up since 2007 to 2008 and every economist I have heard point to the Bush years as the root call.
Question for you Whirlway- should the leaders of France, Germany, U.K, Japan, Greece, and Canada all not seek re-election- last I heard those nations have their own serious economic issues.

Odds are Obama will get re-elected in 2012- I think now he has all the teachers, fire fighters and cops vote since not one Republican voted on a bill in the jobs plan that would create and maintain jobs in those areas- way to go GOP and and all the GOP contenders except Paul thinks the troops shouldn't come home this year but rather stay in Iraq- a war that cost nearly 500 million tax payer dollars day- wow that idea will get the GOP some votes and make them popular.
Can you imagine this during a debate in 2012:
Barack Obama: I am proud that I stood by my promise and all the troops were home from Iraq by 12-31-2011.
GOP Nominee: "President Obama you failed again- we should have kept troops in Iraq much longer- in fact when and if I win this election I am going to send troops back to Iraq so we can finish this war."
Hmmmm Whirlway- which statement you think would get the louder applause?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
This may stun you but I fully expect Obama to get re-elected. Not because of his success but because the Republican candidates are such a bunch fruitcakes.

As for the bad economy, I truly believe we would be in the same situation no matter who was president. Let me ask you this. If McCain had been elected do you think the whole bank crisis, sub-prime failure and almost collapse of US auto industry would have happened? Yes or No. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Big Louie thanks for being honest and realistic- some of these people like Whirlway and other right wing people act as if McCain had won that our UE rate would be below 4% and we would just have a booming economy.
I don't expect WW to give you an answer because he knows that the recession will take time- I give Obama credit for not getting us in a Depression- the fact of the matter is this is not an overnight fix- in fact it's a global recession- WW must think all other countries in the world have booming economies and this is just a U.S problem?
I agree with you- I fully expect Obama to get re-elected unless something drastic happens- the GOP has made some terrible mistakes that I just think they won't recover from- barring some unforseen economic collapse in the next 13 months- I just don't see Romney or any of the others defeating him.
Also, if the economy wasn't fucked up by Shrub and Obama walked into a decent economy- his re-election in 2012 would be a landslide- what's ironic is if you throw out the economy- the GOP would have no other topic to challenge Obama on- normally National Security is a GOP strong point but not under Obama's term- the capture and killing of OBL and various senior Al-Queada members- the removal of Mubarak, Tunisa's ruler and Qaddafi would make it hard to call Obama weak in that area.
Obama is doing what all failing Presidencies do; they emphasize thier foreign policy.....he can't run on his domestic failures and foreign policy is the only place where any President holds most of the power....

It won't work; America doesn't reward failure.
waverunner234's Avatar
Tell me Whirl, which GOP candidate would have a chance to take up to OBAMA? I see none so far. Maybe a tiny little chance for Newt Gingrich but he has too much personal issues. Again, I don't think GOP has a candidate that is strong enough to beat him.
I don't think Romney can do it, Perry is laughable and good old Herman, when its time to select a candidate, he will sure be around ............ to fill the pizza orders. When it is all over he will probably get a job offer from THE Donald. And now Perry wants to come with a flat tax? MHWAHAHAHA Huckabee already showed that the US doesn't want it. Bachwoman is already out (thank god), but she doesn't know or wants to acknowledge it yet, same for the rest.

The only one who could very well beat him in my eyes is Hillary Clinton if she would run against him.

Whirl I think you have to reset your Obama clock 4 years down the road.
With the incredible disaster left in his lap upon his coming into office and the preposterous childlike manner in which the GOP has conducted themselves regarding anything that has to do with dealing with a BLACK PRESIDENT, they had ought to be downright ashamed of themselves and not even run a candidate in 2012 out of a "mea culpa" for all the racist epitapths that were hurled towards Mr. AND Mrs. Obama, who came with nothing but good will towards all and a true desire to reach across party lines and fix the messes we have at home.

The ugly, sour grapes Republicans were too concerned with trying to make a mockery of him, and showing their true racism at every turn, they did nothing and even went so far as to stall any effort he had made, so as to set his progress behind schedule a good yr to yr.and a half on any big issues he attempted! It's a shame, and especially when we have seen what their "best and brightest" have to offer, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, come on people, really? REALLY? YOU COULD LOOK YOUR GRANDPARENTS IN THE FACE AND TELL THEM THESE TWO MENTAL MIDGETS CAN SOLVE THE COMPOUND ISSUES WE HAVE AT FOOT IN THIS ECONOMY AND ABROAD???
My only issue with President Obama is that he did not cease playing nice with these ass hats sooner!!!
waverunner234's Avatar
And Whirl, maybe you haven't noticed, but the current crises is NOT A US CRISES ONLY.
We're in a world crises and Europe has the lead at the moment. Europe sounds to be calm the last few days but their crises is not over, it is just steaming up and will get way worse and of course take the US with it down the road.
I said it months ago, better get used to high unemployment, it will get worse and no-one will be able to turn it around. The days of 4% people out of work are over and that is a fact we have to live with, not a weakness of the current president.
So we better adjust to this situation and start thinking about constructive ways to cope with it. (32 hour work week?)
Wave: did you have a come to Jesus moment in the hospital..your new tag is fucking inspirational!

America is a center right country; and independents won't be fooled by obamas rope-a-dope a 2nd time....
CONgragulations, you hit all the Obama talking's that working out for you?

Show me one report where it says if there's a new President in 2012 that it's going to be economic prosperity???? The last report I have seen from Economicist who are neutral they are predicting the U.S to be out of the misery by late 2013 or 2014 REGARDLESS of who is in office- so this isn't bad news for Obama- it's just you trying to paint a false picture- the shit has been fucked up since 2007 to 2008 and every economist I have heard point to the Bush years as the root call.
Question for you Whirlway- should the leaders of France, Germany, U.K, Japan, Greece, and Canada all not seek re-election- last I heard those nations have their own serious economic issues.

Odds are Obama will get re-elected in 2012- I think now he has all the teachers, fire fighters and cops vote since not one Republican voted on a bill in the jobs plan that would create and maintain jobs in those areas- way to go GOP and and all the GOP contenders except Paul thinks the troops shouldn't come home this year but rather stay in Iraq- a war that cost nearly 500 million tax payer dollars day- wow that idea will get the GOP some votes and make them popular.
Can you imagine this during a debate in 2012:
Barack Obama: I am proud that I stood by my promise and all the troops were home from Iraq by 12-31-2011.
GOP Nominee: "President Obama you failed again- we should have kept troops in Iraq much longer- in fact when and if I win this election I am going to send troops back to Iraq so we can finish this war."
Hmmmm Whirlway- which statement you think would get the louder applause? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Race has nothing to do with it!

With the incredible disaster left in his lap upon his coming into office and the preposterous childlike manner in which the GOP has conducted themselves regarding anything that has to do with dealing with a BLACK PRESIDENT, they had ought to be downright ashamed of themselves and not even run a candidate in 2012 out of a "mea culpa" for all the racist epitapths that were hurled towards Mr. AND Mrs. Obama, who came with nothing but good will towards all and a true desire to reach across party lines and fix the messes we have at home.

The ugly, sour grapes Republicans were too concerned with trying to make a mockery of him, and showing their true racism at every turn, they did nothing and even went so far as to stall any effort he had made, so as to set his progress behind schedule a good yr to yr.and a half on any big issues he attempted! It's a shame, and especially when we have seen what their "best and brightest" have to offer, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, come on people, really? REALLY? YOU COULD LOOK YOUR GRANDPARENTS IN THE FACE AND TELL THEM THESE TWO MENTAL MIDGETS CAN SOLVE THE COMPOUND ISSUES WE HAVE AT FOOT IN THIS ECONOMY AND ABROAD???
My only issue with President Obama is that he did not cease playing nice with these ass hats sooner!!! Originally Posted by SamanthaSinclair
waverunner234's Avatar
Wave: did you have a come to Jesus moment in the hospital..your new tag is fucking inspirational! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Lol I wouldn't call it come to Jesus, I think it has to do with all the young and pretty nurses who were spoiling me.
In the Therapy Facility is was even better, student nurses from 3 different college's. And now the Therapist that comes to my home .................... wow
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Race has nothing to do with it! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
WW there's a slogan going around as stated by Bill Maher: "The new racism is to deny that there is racism"
  • Laz
  • 10-23-2011, 02:31 PM
WW there's a slogan going around as stated by Bill Maher: "The new racism is to deny that there is racism" Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
If this is all about his race then how do you explain Herman Cain's popularity. I am sick of idiots constantly accusing people who disagree with most of Obama's policies as racist. Can't you acknowledge that just maybe we could not care less about his skin color and that we believe his economic policies are disasterous.

P.S. Bill Maher is an idiot.
TexTushHog's Avatar

2) Continued weak job creation due to federal cutbacks and lackluster government spending...
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
So you're now sponsoring links that agree that Federal spending creates jobs!!! What's next? You going to learn supply and demand?

Well, at least you're capable of learning. Maybe we'll make a Keynesian out of you yet.

As for candidates that can beat Obama, unfortunately, there are at least two. Romney and Huntsman. Romney my yet win the nomination. If he does, I fear that he wins. Let's hope that his true colors are what he did as Massachusetts governor, not the bullshit he's running on now.

But even if the Republicans nominates on of the idiots, I'm afraid that the election will be close. The state of the economy is the number one predictor of whether Presidents get reelected. Period. And it matters now whether the economic collapse was their fault (here it was not) nor whether they have done the right thing to get things back on track (here Obama's record is mixed, but better than a Republicans would likely have been).