can I get some help here..

Nicole Cox's Avatar
so when a newbie I saw it says he's going to leave me this badass review.

little while later he calls me and tells me they're tearing the rearview apart and I think its bs and a fake review which is fine I don't care about that that doesn't bother me. it wouldn't be the first time I've been told I must be TGTBT.
but it doesn't stop there. they started attacking me by calling me names in the thread.
After speaking to the guy today he tells me that he was told by the way that the Rose does not meet the guidelines and will be deleted.

so my question is why is it still there? if it doesn't meet the criteria.
they were very reckless with their words not knowing all the information are not even asking questions before making accusations on that thread. my original question in the email was why was allowed to even be posted.

I sent an email when I first saw how they were attacking me on the thread and it comes back undeliverable even though my email address on my account is the same when I send it from.
Mojojo's Avatar
Rebuttals to reviews can be done in the co-ed section. As long as you keep within the guidelines you are free to refute a review.

As for a review not meeting the criteria that simply means the review was lacking certain information to earn a reviewer Premium Access credit. Reviews are posted regardless whether or not they meet the criteria for credit.
Nicole Cox's Avatar
there's nothing to refute as far as I can tell the review is fine. it may not meet your criteria but it's not a negative review. it's the ignorance that was expressed about the review that was out of line.
I assume you are referring to your last review. The Hobbiest should have done his homework and looked at other reviews to see what constitute an actual thorough review for him to obtain credit. His review of you did no justice to review you. He was not given PA Credit based on his poor review of you. Based on what's there, it doesn't even meet the criteria of a 5th grade book report.

Posted by NikkiTracy - it's the ignorance that was expressed about the review that was out of line.
The comments made by others in the review were not attacks at you personally. The comments were aimed at the reviewer and his review. These sites are here for the men, not the women. Reviews are for the men to share information based on who they see in order to help others make an informed decision on who they want to spend their hard earned money on. If a review is poorly written, they tend to haze the reviewer. And, a poor review of a Provider tends to lose business for you and not help you.

If you are going to be thinned skin based on others comments, you may not want to read comments in a review. I suggest just keep on doing what you are doing. The reviewer will learn from his mistakes and hopefully write better reviews in the future. It can be a learning experience. Normally, it's not in the best interest of the Provider to comment or remark on their reviews. They tend to bring unwanted negative press to themselves.
Nicole Cox's Avatar
Oh baby it's not thin skin cause its hitting me in my pockets. I understand the website accommodates the men not the women that's why I normally hesitant to even see anybody that comes off this site I use it more as a tool for the alerts. I'm a good provider but I've seen too many good providers be screwed over by guys that are careless reckless and even ambivalent with their words. and while it's a hobby to y'all this is how many of us support our household and I don't like gambling with my livelihood. I guess I just figured since they were moderators and guidelines that those were actually in place and utilized because the website still doesn't have responsibilities but I see I was mistaken. and as a good provider I will bounce back just fine. and yes lesson learned.thank you have a good day
You missed my point.

You may be a good provider but he wrote a review that was not a review. It's not up to the mods to sell you, your services, or hold a Hobbiests hands while he writes a review. The Mods read the review and if it meets the criteria for a Hobbiest to get PA credit, he receives it, or not if it is missing required information. This is not No Child Left Behind where everyone gets a ribbon for crossing the sidewalk or in many reviewers cases, gets credit for writing every review. The Hobbiests have access to thousands of reviews to peruse and a thread on how to write a review, a review to make a gal look "good", "bad", and/or "meh."

At that point it's up to the men who review you to sell you based on their experience and express it in a review that would make other men want to see you. His lack of information the your review did nothing to help your business, not the mods who give or not give him credit for the review or lack thereof. The responses to the review from the other Hobbiests were slams at him, not you.
Nicole Cox's Avatar
Nope I think you explained it very well and I do understand your point.Thank you.