How to post a private remark?

Am I correct in thinking:

'Private' is not viewable to providers?

To post as a 'private' remark one clicks on 'private' in the reply box of a conversation thread, and then types between the bracketed 'private' boxes that appear in the reply box?

I have done this and when I view my conversation in the thread it does not appear 'bold' or seem to be in the 'private' box as when others have posted a private remark.
Is this because it is my conversation I am reading?

Here is an example of my conversation thread:

Can someone confirm if my remarks have been 'private' in some posts, or indicate what I may have to do correctly if they are not.

Mojojo's Avatar
Private tags are for premium access accounts only so providers to do not get to see that.

The easiest way to go about using private tags personally to me is to type the message first then go back and highlight it...then click the the private box. That will ensure that everything highlighted falls within the tags.

Alos I fixed your private tag, you had left out the bracket before the /private]
thanks. I like the tip. Definitely highlighting seems the way to go. Tad easier.