decidedly unvanilla ISO requests

where is best to look for or post ISOs for ladies interested in helping me scratch some of my more unusual desires? Here of in the regular area sections?
This section is best since it is "another realm" to ask about unvanilla fetishes but "iso" is where you need to go in the city your looking .This has been my experience but look at the rules to be sure. Or you could ask a mod.What are the areas of interest and perhaps I can direct you or suggest someone.Everyone on here is usually very helpful and open minded as long as you stay legal.
Suggest the ISO section of the city you will play in. Gotta make it sound like fun and perhaps interesting.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
My opinion is posting an ISO in your area would garner you more of a response.

For example, in Dallas, there are a lot of ladies who are versed in the art of alternative play but sometimes, they don't make a big deal out of it. Or even advertise.

But if you post an ISO, you'll get a lot of interest.

Just as an additional Devil's Advocate thought, make sure that the lady actually has some experience or really does do the type of activities that you're looking for. Do your due diligence and research, etc.

Have fun.

DallasRain's Avatar
My opinion is posting an ISO in your area would garner you more of a response.

For example, in Dallas, there are a lot of ladies who are versed in the art of alternative play but sometimes, they don't make a big deal out of it. Or even advertise.

But if you post an ISO, you'll get a lot of interest.

Just as an additional Devil's Advocate thought, make sure that the lady actually has some experience or really does do the type of activities that you're looking for. Do your due diligence and research, etc.

Have fun.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers

great advice

good luck & have fun!
My opinion is posting an ISO in your area would garner you more of a response.

For example, in Dallas, there are a lot of ladies who are versed in the art of alternative play but sometimes, they don't make a big deal out of it. Or even advertise.

But if you post an ISO, you'll get a lot of interest.

Just as an additional Devil's Advocate thought, make sure that the lady actually has some experience or really does do the type of activities that you're looking for. Do your due diligence and research, etc.

Have fun.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
This +1000. Elisabeth is always dead on.

When you post in the ISO, you'll be hit up by all providers, and while all will say 'I'm into fetish/kink'...when you question or research, they quickly backpedal or become real vague with their answers. That's a sure fire clue that they're just trying to say anything to get you through the door.

Good luck with your search.
pmdelites's Avatar
where is best to look for or post ISOs for ladies interested in helping me scratch some of my more unusual desires? Here of in the regular area sections? Originally Posted by theone7885
so, how "unvanilla" of a request?

since it's free, i usggest you post in the city you are interested in AND in here.

and, then like responder above, do your due diligence!!!!!
otherwise your unvanilla might be spoiled or fake.
I'm in NE Texas and there is few options here compared to say DFW so I will probably play there. As far as fantasies go a couple prime examples would be incest role play and master/ slave girl sort of thing.
MLisaRIP's Avatar
I'm in NE Texas and there is few options here compared to say DFW so I will probably play there. As far as fantasies go a couple prime examples would be incest role play and master/ slave girl sort of thing. Originally Posted by theone7885
Could help but reply after the comment re NE ex lives up that way... I could see him posting something along this line, except, it seems also enjoys the idea of the lovely darker toned ladies, per my "inside" sources. hehe,

There are definitely those Ladies here that would be more than happy to provide some role play along those lines you mention.