Higher end providers

What providers have you seen/recommend on the higher end? I have couple in mind I like to see but still debating on the luxury price tag.
omakase's Avatar
Awww ... come on a share. Who do you have in mind?
Im on a text list with an agency that lets me know about pornstars utr in dc but rates start at $1500/hr
Hi honey, I suppose it depends on what type of memories you'd like to make. You could always brag to your friends about spending time with a famous celebrity or you could also brag about how you spend time with 3-5 beautiful Thai ladies. ISJ
Not sure i could handle more than 2 at one time, but ice seen almost all the thai ladies that come to town. Its just a bucketlist of mine to be with a pornstar once.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
So after seeing your porn stars ads on this board and the VA section....are any of the ladies you are interested in that have a "higher-end" price tag non-porn stars?
Yea alot from GLS
plainjoe's Avatar
care to elaborate or is a review (or two) on its way?
I guess it's a question about what you'd rather brag about. Maybe a 2-3 hour dinner date? Maybe a three-some or four-some? Or maybe an adult celebrity?
I take all of it in time, foursome would be hot if the girls are into each other. Have had a couple 3somes so far
playpal2007's Avatar
Porn star experience is overrated. Huge price tag and you don't get to do what you see in the movies. My experiences have ranged for eh to once in a lifetime. But are you ready to drop that kind of change on a possibility? I have had local and traveling ladies treat me better than some porn stars. I won't do it again.