Voter ballots enroute to afghanistan destroyed in plane crash.

RobbThrobb's Avatar
Is this a coincidence or just another move by the most corrupt admin. in U.S. history?
I think that rogue CIA operatives did it. They did it so that people would think that the administration did it. That way, crazy nut-jobs would raise questions and vote against the current administration.

They are probably the same operatives that planned 9-11 and tried blaming it on the Bush administration... You know, for the same reason.

I'm actually leery about posting this. I wouldn't want them to seek me out and make me disappear.
RobbThrobb's Avatar
Okaaay... Feel better now?
Rocket210's Avatar
Well with Obama on RECORD trying to keep US soldiers from voting it wouldn't suprise me at all this would happen...fellas with Obama their are no conspiracy the man is doing it all in the open and the public is choosing to ignore it.
greenhorn1960's Avatar
The media. There is no doubt that the media is biased.

Well with Obama on RECORD trying to keep US soldiers from voting it wouldn't suprise me at all this would happen...fellas with Obama their are no conspiracy the man is doing it all in the open and the public is choosing to ignore it. Originally Posted by Rocket210
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 10-27-2012, 03:06 PM
A Sandbox topic.

Moved to the proper forum.