Would you be a member of a site that did background checks?
Only if I owned the site.
rex-man's Avatar
That is why this is a hobby and not a job. So that we can remain anonymous. You are to fine to have you personal info exposed. Be safe, play hard and keep smart.
txswing99's Avatar

It really has to depend on what background they are checking. Certainly the type of background check an employers does is likely not something appropriate for the hobby.

Membership with a verification service with an identity check seems fine to me. In that case, you are looking to be certain that the hobbyist and the provider are not mis-representing who they are the actual personal information is maintained by a "trusted" third party.

About a year ago, a provider-friend suggested I develop a verification service for the hobby that including additional periodic checks designed to be allow the hobbyist and provider to be safer. It is an interesting idea, but did bend the comfort level a little bit.

At minimum, both parties need to be willing to support some level of verification for the hobby to be "somewhat" safe.

Have you found a site that is asking for a background check?

probably not..I would be a little nervous!
I would have my balls in my mouth if I were asked for it out of nowhere.hahahhaah
Probably not.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-14-2012, 05:18 AM
As others have said, it depends what is included in the background check, and why I was joining the site. I am a member of some sites that require a background check (AAU for example, when I officiated sports). To vague a question to be able to answer.
Having worked in Security and been in this industry since I was 14. Depending on the type of back ground check will depend on whether it's ok.

I personally wouldn't want to be a part of a background check process. Because you don't know when the back ground check stops. No matter what party is involved. Once a background check is done, it opens the door to be flagged.

As a girl from Vegas who had her own service network and now currently independent, I'm able to say from experience background checks are not beneficial to the hobbyist or the provider.

Now to counter that, compare your verification process with other ladies and maybe they're able to offer a tip or two to help with the verification process. I've done that with a few ladies. I come from a completely different market, so I had to talk to a few and learn the ropes here.

I know I don't post much but I've been in school and getting set since my divorce but I'll be around and I am ALWAYS willing to help. Especially the ladies who do what we do.

Be safe.
82Vinny's Avatar
Texmedic's Avatar
nope not me - Big Brother looks at enough of my life