All the income tax does is invade privacy, promote class warfare, and gives politicians a huge vehicle with which to buy votes and obtain donations. Let's dump it for something that makes sense.
From the article:
The FairTax lowers business compliance costs and eradicates the tax wedge that drives up the costs of U.S. goods both domestically and overseas. With the FairTax consumers will pay the actual price of a product or service with no hidden tax components, and workers will keep 100 percent of the wages they earn. The FairTax will eliminate the 15 to 25 percent cost discrepancy manufacturers of American goods face when competing in international trade.
U.S. exports are expensive, and foreign imports are, at retail, cheap. The FairTax levels the playing field. Under the FairTax, imported goods and domestically produced goods incur the same U.S. consumption tax. With the present system, U.S. companies and workers must pay income tax and payroll taxes, but foreign goods enter the country entirely free of any U.S. tax, other than whatever modest customs duties are levied. The FairTax removes all taxes on exports, restoring the international competitiveness of American manufacturers in the global marketplace.