If you think Obamacare is bad- look at what non-partisian experts says about Trump's Health Plan.


The Commonwealth Fund analysis found that if Trump's plan becomes reality more than 25 million Americans would lose health care coverage by 2018. The study found Hillary Clinton's plans to expand Obamacare would provide health insurance to 9-point-6 million more people.

Hillary Clinton’s plan for health care can best be summed up as Obamacare Plus: If elected, she would push to preserve the Affordable Care Act as-is, but she would add financial protections for struggling consumers.

Donald Trump’s health-care ideas, meanwhile, mirror his image as a renegade who will smash the system and rebuild it from scratch. He would annihilate the Affordable Care Act and replace it with an assortment of half-measures, most of which would benefit only people who are healthy and well-off, if anyone.

If enacted, Clinton’s health-care proposals would likely insure several million more people by making insurance cheaper for people in most income categories, according to a new analysis by the Rand Corporation and the Commonwealth Fund. Trump’s plan, meanwhile, would strip insurance coverage from 16 million people while raising out-of-pocket expenses for most people who aren’t insured through their employers, the report authors found. Both plans would increase the deficit.

“Mr. Trump does not understand health care.”
Though both candidates have mentioned a wide variety of health-care issues in their speeches and appearances, Rand economists focused on four of each candidate’s proposals for the analysis. The comparison is somewhat hindered by the lack of detail in many of Trump’s policy proposals. In some areas where Clinton put forth a comprehensive plan, such as long-term care and substance abuse, Trump provides vague ideas or none at all.

Clinton’s proposals are aimed at addressing many of the most common gripes about Obamacare: That insurance is still too expensive or that insurers are abandoning the Obamacare marketplaces and leaving people in some areas with few options.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Allowing myself to continue to be subjected to practices that are not in keeping with the true Conservative Goals and that devalue myself as both an individual and a republican are not acceptable.

I have brought concerns to the attention of my friends, the MODS, and even the Republican National Chairman on more than one occasion. Issues raised have been repeatedly ignored-specifically in these forums. Less than equitable practices have been repeatedly excused. I have been accused of stolen valor, people ridicule my weight, medical conditions and a legitimate injury suffered during a war while defending the country I love. If either were to be acknowledged and addressed, the status quo would have to change – but there are just too many people that are comfortable and invested in mediocrity. Too many self-serving individuals. Too much organizational effort expended deflecting accountability at the expense of those having the least input and influence. It's members like Dalilama, Lexus Lover, Bambino, CuteOldGuy, LustyLad, I B Hankering, IIFFOFRDB, The Waco Kid, Rey Laguna, R.M, gfejunkie, gary5912, JD Barleycorn and MrMojoRisin are the real culprits who have no intent other than to stir the daily ECCIE shit pot. I even cordially pm'ed some of those guys to stop their aloofness and to debate in a more humane manner. It obviously fell on deaf ears.

An organization that does not care for its members cannot be expected to have respect for its members (and vice versa).

I can either conform to the least common denominator or separate myself from it and pursue other opportunities. I elect the later while I am in good standing so there can be no question and I will be casting my vote for Clinton.

This is my resignation and two week notice…effective immediately. I will no longer participate in any political discussion for the next two weeks after which time I will have the MODS to deactivate or cancel my account I do not wish to be subjected to further intimidation, abuse, and retaliation; staying out of this forum is the only way to minimize this from happening. If only I hadn’t turned 60…

Good Riddance. My only regrets are believing the Republican party stood for what it represented itself to be, trusting internal check and balance processes, and believing I could make a difference.
Allowing myself to continue to be subjected to practices that are not in keeping with the true Conservative Goals and that devalue myself as both an individual and a republican are not acceptable.

I have brought concerns to the attention of my friends, the MODS, and even the Republican National Chairman on more than one occasion. Issues raised have been repeatedly ignored-specifically in these forums. Less than equitable practices have been repeatedly excused. I have been accused of stolen valor, people ridicule my weight, medical conditions and a legitimate injury suffered during a war while defending the country I love. If either were to be acknowledged and addressed, the status quo would have to change – but there are just too many people that are comfortable and invested in mediocrity. Too many self-serving individuals. Too much organizational effort expended deflecting accountability at the expense of those having the least input and influence. It's members like Dalilama, Lexus Lover, Bambino, CuteOldGuy, LustyLad, I B Hankering, IIFFOFRDB, The Waco Kid, Rey Laguna, R.M, gfejunkie, gary5912, JD Barleycorn and MrMojoRisin are the real culprits who have no intent other than to stir the daily ECCIE shit pot. I even cordially pm'ed some of those guys to stop their aloofness and to debate in a more humane manner. It obviously fell on deaf ears.

An organization that does not care for its members cannot be expected to have respect for its members (and vice versa).

I can either conform to the least common denominator or separate myself from it and pursue other opportunities. I elect the later while I am in good standing so there can be no question and I will be casting my vote for Clinton.

This is my resignation and two week notice…effective immediately. I will no longer participate in any political discussion for the next two weeks after which time I will have the MODS to deactivate or cancel my account I do not wish to be subjected to further intimidation, abuse, and retaliation; staying out of this forum is the only way to minimize this from happening. If only I hadn’t turned 60…

Good Riddance. My only regrets are believing the Republican party stood for what it represented itself to be, trusting internal check and balance processes, and believing I could make a difference. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
What the hell is your major malfunction? Why do you keep stalking me? fucking loser get over it !!!
Pucka_Likley, sucking that street cock will get you killed... be careful gurl...

  • DSK
  • 09-24-2016, 11:17 PM
What the hell is your major malfunction? Why do you keep stalking me? fucking loser get over it !!! Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Am I to interpret that as you renouncing your resignation?
Am I to interpret that as you renouncing your resignation? Originally Posted by DSK
Who the hell are you? Are you part of that gang of morons?
LexusLover's Avatar
Who the hell are you? Are you part of that gang of morons? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
I would never be a "part" of your "gang of morons"!

Are you leaving or not? Premature celebrations are disappointing.
  • DSK
  • 09-25-2016, 08:43 AM
Who the hell are you? Are you part of that gang of morons? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
I'm just a humble baker who would rather sell a faggot couple a cake than join your gang of morons.

However, I am aware of your statements concerning leaving, and find it disconcerting you are still here.
Allowing myself to continue to be subjected to practices that are not in keeping with the true Conservative Goals and that devalue myself as both an individual and a republican are not acceptable.

I have brought concerns to the attention of my friends, the MODS, and even the Republican National Chairman on more than one occasion. Issues raised have been repeatedly ignored-specifically in these forums. Less than equitable practices have been repeatedly excused. I have been accused of stolen valor, people ridicule my weight, medical conditions and a legitimate injury suffered during a war while defending the country I love. If either were to be acknowledged and addressed, the status quo would have to change – but there are just too many people that are comfortable and invested in mediocrity. Too many self-serving individuals. Too much organizational effort expended deflecting accountability at the expense of those having the least input and influence. It's members like Dalilama, Lexus Lover, Bambino, CuteOldGuy, LustyLad, I B Hankering, IIFFOFRDB, The Waco Kid, Rey Laguna, R.M, gfejunkie, gary5912, JD Barleycorn and MrMojoRisin are the real heroes who have made this forum what it is. I even cordially pm'ed some of those guys to see if I could suck their cock, but was told to fuck off

An organization that does not care for its members cannot be expected to have respect for its members (and vice versa).

I can either conform to the least common denominator or separate myself from it and pursue other opportunities. I elect the later while I am in good standing so there can be no question and I will be casting my vote for Clinton.

This is my resignation and two week notice…effective immediately. I will no longer participate in any political discussion for the next two weeks after which time I will have the MODS to deactivate or cancel my account I do not wish to be subjected to further intimidation, abuse, and retaliation; staying out of this forum is the only way to minimize this from happening. If only I hadn’t turned 60…

Good Riddance. My only regrets are believing the Republican party stood for what it represented itself to be, trusting internal check and balance processes, and believing I could make a difference. go away moron
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm just a humble baker who would rather sell a faggot couple a cake than join your gang of morons.

However, I am aware of your statements concerning leaving, and find it disconcerting you are still here. Originally Posted by DSK
Humble baker?

How about some Humble Pie, asshole?

Governor Mike Pence and Senator Jeff Sessions – Sunday Interviews…

Posted on September 25, 2016 by sundance

Governor Mike Pence appeared on the irredeemable Fox News Sunday show with Clinton’s Machiavellian Master-at-Arms, Chris Matthews Wallace, asking questions while attempting to impersonate a journalist: