So Is Hugo Chavez Dead or Alive?

Maybe this two bit, tin horn Dictator is shaking hands with the Devil as we speak.

Chavez is a good example of how a Country can be turned upside down because it's Constitution isn't worth the paper it's written on.

We are very fortunate that our Founding Fathers drafted our Constitution in such a manner that it does not yeild to the petty whims of the moment.
joe bloe's Avatar
Obama probably thinks Chavez rise will again on the third day.

Our Constitution has been yielding quite a bit lately. Obama seems to think it doesn't apply to him.
If Obama hasn't reported the Seal's have taken him out,He is probably ok.
chefnerd's Avatar
With any luck, he is shaking hands with the devil and we can welcome a sane person to lead Venezuela. Then again, if he is meeting with the devil, he could be selling his soul for some egocentric reason.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
We are very fortunate that our Founding Fathers drafted our Constitution in such a manner that it does not yield to the petty whims of the moment. Originally Posted by Jackie S
We are very fortunate that George Washington abhorred the idea that he should become our king (that some of his soldiers suggested - probably because Congress was so bad at getting them paid) and that once President he refused to run for a third term setting today's two term precedent. He also eschewed the trappings of royalty for the Presidency realizing that everything he did set precedent. If it weren't for Washington our country could be vastly different as well.

The main point being that not only was it the paper, but the people and the way the people believed in the ideas they set down in the paper.
joe bloe's Avatar
With any luck, he is shaking hands with the devil and we can welcome a sane person to lead Venezuela. Then again, if he is meeting with the devil, he could be selling his soul for some egocentric reason. Originally Posted by chefnerd
Chavez's role model was Fidel Castro. Fidel will be joining him soon. From the looks of him, Bill Clinton won't be far behind. Satan will probably want their autographs.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
He'll be a moderator over at the Y.
TexTushHog's Avatar
"So Is Hugo Chavez Dead or Alive?"

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Shit the cancer went to his brain years ago.....ijs