VideoJoe And The PreRecorded Convention

Cardi B blathering to VideoJoe. They won't interview him live. The interview is controlled and she's still running over him.
The old man doesn't know who he is, what he stands for and can't look into the camera. I bet he's thinking Kamala got guzzied up for him.

Meanwhile, Michelle Obama's introduction to the 2020 Democratic Convention is taped. They need total controll.
bambino's Avatar
Is anyone watching this shit show?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
free medicare. for some cunt who has 24 million from selling rap crap to da bro's and sista's yeah. sound good to me! BAHHAAA
Lou Spowells's Avatar
Cardi B blathering to VideoJoe. They won't interview him live. The interview is controlled and she's still running over him.
The old man doesn't know who he is, what he stands for and can't look into the camera. I bet he's thinking Kamala got guzzied up for him.

Meanwhile, Michelle Obama's introduction to the 2020 Democratic Convention is taped. They need total controll. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Can someone translate this incoherent babble?
HedonistForever's Avatar
"I just want Trump out" says Cardi B and she isn't alone, 58% of Democrats say that's why they are voting for Biden.

Be careful what you wish for especially if you are White and have a good job. You already have two strikes against you with this Democrat party and it's foot soldiers BLM and Antifa.

Did you see the video of the BLM crowd yelling at White people living in an upscale neighborhood that they should give up their homes? How do they know those White people aren't Biden supporters? They don't, all they know is that they are White and perceived to have some money. One guy in the crowd yells, "I'll bet you work for Amazon" as if that will be counted against you also.

So all you White people supporting Biden, don't be surprised when the BLM/ Antifa crowd comes to your neighborhood and demands that you get out of homes that belongs to them and don't think trying to explain that you voted for Biden is going to help you, if you're White, you've got more than they've got and that's enough to hate your ass.

Be careful what you wish for.

Want to see what being White in a BLM/ Antifa crowd just might get you? Bet you didn't see this on CNN or MSNBC tonight.

Or how about a road block in New York city where unless you swear allegiance to BLM, you will not be allowed to pass?

And Democrats tonight talked of "unity" as their theme. Yeah, right.
Lou Spowells's Avatar
Has everyone forgotten that Cardi B is the female bill Cosby?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
"I just want Trump out" says Cardi B and she isn't alone, 58% of Democrats say that's why they are voting for Biden.

Be careful what you wish for especially if you are White and have a good job. You already have two strikes against you with this Democrat party and it's foot soldiers BLM and Antifa.

Did you see the video of the BLM crowd yelling at White people living in an upscale neighborhood that they should give up their homes? How do they know those White people aren't Biden supporters? They don't, all they know is that they are White and perceived to have some money. One guy in the crowd yells, "I'll bet you work for Amazon" as if that will be counted against you also.

So all you White people supporting Biden, don't be surprised when the BLM/ Antifa crowd comes to your neighborhood and demands that you get out of homes that belongs to them and don't think trying to explain that you voted for Biden is going to help you, if you're White, you've got more than they've got and that's enough to hate your ass.

Be careful what you wish for.

Want to see what being White in a BLM/ Antifa crowd just might get you? Bet you didn't see this on CNN or MSNBC tonight.

Or how about a road block in New York city where unless you swear allegiance to BLM, you will not be allowed to pass?

And Democrats tonight talked of "unity" as their theme. Yeah, right. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
i saw a news report on this
Portland: Man left with serious injuries after being kicked in head by protester
at a quick google glance i don't see anything about NYC roadblocks and BLM.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
the monkey speaks .. nobody is listening

Michelle Obama warns that Trump ‘cannot meet this moment’

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Two complete retards attempt to have a conversation?
gfejunkie's Avatar
They speak the same language... Unintelligible gibberish.
At the very beginning of that comedy routine, she called him Bernie.
  • oeb11
  • 08-18-2020, 06:34 AM
"I just want Trump out" says Cardi B and she isn't alone, 58% of Democrats say that's why they are voting for Biden.

Be careful what you wish for especially if you are White and have a good job. You already have two strikes against you with this Democrat party and it's foot soldiers BLM and Antifa.

Did you see the video of the BLM crowd yelling at White people living in an upscale neighborhood that they should give up their homes? How do they know those White people aren't Biden supporters? They don't, all they know is that they are White and perceived to have some money. One guy in the crowd yells, "I'll bet you work for Amazon" as if that will be counted against you also.

So all you White people supporting Biden, don't be surprised when the BLM/ Antifa crowd comes to your neighborhood and demands that you get out of homes that belongs to them and don't think trying to explain that you voted for Biden is going to help you, if you're White, you've got more than they've got and that's enough to hate your ass.

Be careful what you wish for.

Want to see what being White in a BLM/ Antifa crowd just might get you? Bet you didn't see this on CNN or MSNBC tonight.

Or how about a road block in New York city where unless you swear allegiance to BLM, you will not be allowed to pass?

And Democrats tonight talked of "unity" as their theme. Yeah, right. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

HF - well written - do you have a reference for the OBLN road block?

The DPST party is clearly the party of racial identity politics - and has polarized the races against each other in America. next they will try to activate hispanics to join in the racial identity conflict they have created.

The party of Tolerance and 'inclusion" is anything but - and i agree - the Radical marxist which is harris will love the confiscation and redistribution of white owned properties.

And it will be called 'Reparations"!

Civil War is coming.

AntiFa / OBLM comes for my home - I will go down with a hot gun in my hands!!!
HoeHummer's Avatar
Wow! That must have been a great show last night! The cicadas are chirping louder than ever. Did they hurt your feelings boy, because yous sure sound desperate!

At least it gives yous another opportunity to spew racial hatred.

How much better will the worlds be when American voters rejects your ilks once and for all? Trumpism isn’t a political philosophy but a social disease. Hydroxychloroquine for all, eh!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
At least it gives yous another opportunity to spew racial hatred. Originally Posted by HoeHummer

Yeah, it is what it is. There are plenty of racists fucks in this forum.

I call Unfriendly Fred in this forum names. I've been called a racist by him and others because how I address him. He's racist and he can run from handles, but I'll still call him on it.

I also had a close Jewish friend of mine offer me a job last week because he is starting a business and he wants to get it going quickly and he knows my consulting background. People should learn to shut the fuck up about things they know nothing about.

I don't fuck with Frederick because of his ethnicity, I only do so because of his racist shit and the handles he ran from. That's it.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Oeb 11 yupper , BUT Why watch same old same old Identity socialism