
is there a sticky anywhere for tools to use when screening? I've seen some really great sites posted in various threads but I can never find them again when I need them. Alas, I cant bookmark them I have an extremely nosy SO. Is there some way to 'favorite' threads?
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
is there a sticky anywhere for tools to use when screening? I've seen some really great sites posted in various threads but I can never find them again when I need them. Alas, I cant bookmark them I have an extremely nosy SO. Is there some way to 'favorite' threads? Originally Posted by exoticentyce

We do not have a sticky in the public forums. You may want to ask one of the other providers, or a female Mod (Lea Madisson is a great one!) as to if there is one in the Lady's only areas.... I do not know if there is a way to "Favorite" Threads.... You can "subscribe" to threads, but that will only notify you via email when there is a new post.......but I have PM'd myself links to Threads I like to keep track of, and reply to myself to add more I like... Either that, or your webmail should have a Notes section or something to the like that you can use to copy and past the thread links too.....

Hope that helps....

Lea Madisson's Avatar
is there a sticky anywhere for tools to use when screening? I've seen some really great sites posted in various threads but I can never find them again when I need them. Alas, I cant bookmark them I have an extremely nosy SO. Is there some way to 'favorite' threads? Originally Posted by exoticentyce
I have to agree with JAD, there is really not a sticky for it... but other more experienced girls who have been around a while are always a good source.

The Power Room is also a good place for information but you have to apply for access.

Send an email to for access.

Also, feel free to email me at an I will be glad to send you a list of what I do to screen!


Jusanotherdude's Avatar
That's why she is the BEST! Thanks Lea!

Okay thank you! I just came across the another thread about the powder room that says you had to have 150 post or be active for a year to gain access. Ive had my profile for well over a year, but Ive only been active since returning to the Houston area in June...
oh geeze, someone watching over me is a saint! Thanks!!