35 Straight Days of Falling Gas Prices

Thanks Joe Biden. Keep up the good work.
Thanks Joe Biden. Keep up the good work. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
What happens when they go up again, will it be Trump's fault, lol.
Gas prices have skyrocketed since the fucker got in office and the borders are wide open and we are at a 41 yr. High inflation rate. With GDP in the negative...does the fucker get credit for that to??
Why don't you start a thread about all the great things Americans are to be thankful for since that fucker took office...it should be easy for you
35 straight days of lower gas prices.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I just paid 3.67 a gallon.

Thank you President Biden.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
We’re now celebrating that gas has only doubled? YAY!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Interesting isn't it, that when gas was going up, Biden said it is out of his control, nothing he could do about it but now that it has dropped, it was all due to Joe Biden. Yeah, that's gonna sell..... not!
texassapper's Avatar
What's funny is that the OP thinks this such a great accomplishment that he needs to post it on this board like "hooray!"

This the best ya got?

And then to repost it like it should be self evident that paying twice what we were paying under Trump should be celebrated because it was 2.5 times what we were paying under Trump!! LOL.

Too funny.

And I can't wait until they start going back up... that's going to be a lot of fun keeping this pathetic thread open!
He got the blame for the rise of gas prices even though it’s only partially his fault. He gets the credit when it drops even though it’s only partially his doing. That’s how it works. It’s silly to only fault him with the bad and give no credit for the good. Unless Of course you are unserious, about as wise as a kindergartner and only live to obviously make a wrong political point.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Except he (or any other leftist) is unwilling to take ANY responsibility, when their energy policy is near solely responsible for blowing up the industry. When you campaign on wrecking something, then wreck it, don’t cry and blame everyone else that it’s wrecked.
winn dixie's Avatar
Prices had damn near nowheres to go but DOWN. But congratulations for gas being 3.70 something! Thats something to brag about.
He got the blame for the rise of gas prices even though it’s only partially his fault. He gets the credit when it drops even though it’s only partially his doing. That’s how it works. It’s silly to only fault him with the bad and give no credit for the good. Unless Of course you are unserious, about as wise as a kindergartner and only live to obviously make a wrong political point. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
The price of gas will continue to go down because Biden is releasing Petroleum Reserves and that was probably a last resort otherwise Gas prices would have been much higher this summer.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Where is gas 3.70? Texas and the Carolinas are the cheapest at right around $4, it’s ~$4.70 near my place.
Where is gas 3.70? Texas and the Carolinas are the cheapest at right around $4, it’s ~$4.70 near my place. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
YR might have paid for gas that low. Texas and Louisiana have the Salt Domes where the most Petroleum Reserves are located. So those two States may have the best gas prices in comparison to other states.
Grace Preston's Avatar
As someone who often drives multiple routes between Ohio and Texas-- generally speaking, the cheapest prices are in Missouri, followed by Texas. Sometimes Arkansas is competitive and sometimes they aren't.

I know right now-- if you're willing to hunt for it, you can occasionally get gas here for 3.99-- but in general, its still hovering in the 4.30 range-- but we have higher state gas tax than a lot of places.