Difficulties in the hobby?


What are some challenges that you often face in the hobby?

Are there difficulties when it comes to being a hobbyist?

Inquiring minds would like to know!

BigGuy13's Avatar
Yeah, I want to play more than my bank account allows.

Seriously, money and time to play is part of it. The other difficulty for me is personal preference. Looking for a certain flavor, that is now quite rare in SA.
BigGuy13's Avatar
Yeah, I want to play more than my bank account allows.

Seriously, money and time to play is part of it. The other difficulty for me is personal preference. Looking for a certain flavor, that is now quite rare in SA.
A regular source of angst for me is when ladies post an ad with such short notice that I can’t see them. My playtime windows are very small and unforgiving so I have to plan in advance. I understand that we all live complicated lives, but I just wish that more ladies would give us more advance notice of their schedules and availability.
Dr Grey's Avatar
Following what Big Guy says, years ago I could usually just see two girls I want to see as per resources. Making two appointments at a little over 350 was doable week to week for both total. Now, rates have gone up so now I have to pick and choose one week to the next or every other week as two appointments can cost 6 bills or just shy these days for two ladies. I have ladies I like to see semi regularly if possible. Sometimes it's not even about quality as we just want to see women we are attracted to and just happens to be a rare traveler. We know of the quality if good as per reviews, usually. And not all of us are wired to see every woman here. That's my biggest problem. Even worse when two ladies travel here and dont come often, someone will not be seen. 5 to 10 years ago, I'd just book both ladies along with a regular. Now, gotta go with one or the other. It can be difficult at times deciding.

Another that pops up is day of appointment cancellations. As stated above, a lady we want to see based on physical characteristics we might be in the mood for that week cancels, it's usually impossible to find another same day appointment as it is too late at night, or plan b is already booked, or there is not a single girl in town that looks like what you want. And also, due to rates being higher, rescheduling sometimes pushes out those ladies two weeks or more as some of us like Coverme stated, already may have plans the following week, we dont want to cancel on someone else depending on us. So the girl who said they couldn't make it, might find it difficult as a hobbyist might say it will be 2 to 3 weeks out before we can meet again since they likely found a plan b possibly.

These are regular occurances and not likely to go away anytime soon. Stuff happens. Just have to roll with it.
Yeah, I want to play more than my bank account allows.

Seriously, money and time to play is part of it. The other difficulty for me is personal preference. Looking for a certain flavor, that is now quite rare in SA. Originally Posted by BigGuy13
Ah, money and time, the two things that always seems to elude man.

I'm curious though. What is your ”flavor”?
mitch p's Avatar
So if you need a different lady every time the wind blows your probably going to have issues. Consistency can deliver great pleasure. Sampling a variety of ladies is great. But a woman that knows how to please you is priceless. Just saying!!!
sms918's Avatar
addiction, money, time, wasted time, emotions

hobby can be very addicting.. think about it.. especially me.. short, fat, boring personality, small dick, not rich---- I can enjoy the company of beautiful women for money--- real world even my family doesn't like spending time me, let alone a pretty woman.

hobby isn't cheap--- no matter how much you hobby, or how much you earn--- you never want to think of how much hobby costs.

hobby takes up more of your time than people think. research, pm's, texts. driving or waiting for appointments.

hobby has too much wasted time.. for both hobbyists and providers... unanswered pm's, texts, ncns, delays, re-schedules. No matter if plan ahead or just get in the mood to play.. wasted time is a big problem.

hobby can be a problem for emotions. both hobbyists and providers.. some people can leave emotions in the car and some can't.
Hippie Farm's Avatar
I'm glad you asked. This has been an issue with me for quite a while, but I never felt like starting a thread over it. There are many providers that this doesn't apply to but it seems like many that catch my interest want "Same day appointments only."

"Don't call me until you're ready to meet." Well, what if you don't answer? How long should I wait for a return call? I'm freshly showered and my breath smells like roses. What if you decided to go to a movie with some friends? You're having such a great time at the lake that you decide to stay until tomorrow.

I like to plan ahead and I like to plan multiple hours. I would think that providers would enjoy the budgeting benefits that come with being able to forecast revenue. On the 19th of the month wouldn't it be nice to know that you can go ahead and buy that new outfit, including the shoes, because you've got enough booked on the 26th &27th to cover your rent plus a little pampering? I haven't been able to figure this one out. Do advanced plans get cancelled more often? Well, there are no plans to cancel if I don't call you at all because you only take same day appointments. Do you still get cancellations on same day appointments? So what is being avoided?

My use of, "you," is not intended to be aimed at Julia. It's kind of generic.
yourdesire's Avatar
Oh hippie farm how I wish you were closer to kc. Personally I prefer pre booking, rarely do last min. that said I wouldn't go spending extra $ till those dates come & go & cash is in hand.Dont want to count on something that may or may not be there in the end.
HedonisticFool's Avatar
list in no particular order of importance:

fake SNATCH posts
incall not ready and $$ needed upfront to pay for the room
wasted time on NCNS or with last minute cancellations from short notice or prebooked
i have a solid history on this board but ur still waiting for references to verify??
fake showcases featuring dated or misleading pics or unreal stats
stinky cooter and/or starfish
almost daily texting “im available hun”
trumped up, hyped up reviews in similar form to “letters to penthouse”
guy fawkes's Avatar
Let me see:
Provider that I may be interested in seeing and there are no photos, no response to request for photos or rates. I receive where there is a link to a website that no longer exist or I have to log in and join to see one photo.

Pictures are not updated

Providers that schedule themselves on the board at 7:00 pm with "I am here for ONE NIGHT" but then bash cities for not being supportive.

Providers that take forever to respond to a request for their schedule and rate or those who NEVER respond. Then they post "I check my PMs regularly(whatever that is)and respond immediately.

Provider whop upsell or do not truly post their menu. And when you ask it is vague.

Providers who post reviews on themselves
Glamour pictures or photos that are inaccurate. I realize we are George Clooney but would like a fair representation of what your going to look like when you open the door. Not so bad here but it still happens.
"Don't call me until you're ready to meet." Well, what if you don't answer? How long should I wait for a return call? I'm freshly showered and my breath smells like roses. What if you decided to go to a movie with some friends? You're having such a great time at the lake that you decide to stay until tomorrow. Originally Posted by Hippie Farm
Some of the future planners are good....others are booking fantasy appointments so they can constantly text/call you until the date then they cancel. If you have a verifiable history of planning ahead and booking long appointments then sure you can have some leeway, otherwise we should only communicate about logistics and outfit/tools of the trade requests.

I prefer pre-bookings but I know there is going to a higher rate of attrition than I prefer.

I suggest sending the lady a giftcard to her email for a small amount even if she doesn't require a deposit. It shows you are serious and are more likely to follow through. When I've been contacted to travel I only consider the offers that will allow me to go ahead and buy the airfare.

i have a solid history on this board but ur still waiting for references to verify?? Originally Posted by HedonisticFool
Yes, who is to say you didn't quit the hobby and decided it would be fine to just hand off your account to someone else?

That has happened.

Or maybe you might be safe but some girls don't want see you a second time for a reason?

That also happens.

This is a general "you" to explain the thinking of the ladies. I don't know HedonisticFool from Adam.
PillowChaffer's Avatar