Alert: Dixie

Her handle was Dixxxie Ray, but her acct is now guested. She was referred to me by a couple hobbiests here when I inquired about girls in Victoria. Apparently she is trying to relocate to south Texas. I was pointed in her direction and given her # which I eventually texted. Everything about this appointment was bad. Setting it up and the actual appointment. Normally the issues in setting it up would’ve steered me away, but she has been recently reviewed and had been referred by members here so I said f it and continued. Even during the actual appt I let the Little head take over it seems. I’ve had some bad experiences and horrible tcb or bcd but this was one of the worst, even then I wold chalk it up to “that’s what you get for not following your own rules” except that a couple things happened that I think make it necessary for an alert. First her gf drove her which is no problem but she was acting really nervous and just weird and Dixie said her friend wanted to make sure the room was safe first. I was like I have nothing to hide but then she said her friend would stay for about 15 me then leave. lol I was like ok that I have a problem with. The first dangerous thing that occurred was her friend had brought two guy friends with her and they were in the lobby. Dixie got rid of them and it was a safe hotel so I wasn’t concerned once they left and we went upstairs. But later I see I was maybe one bad decision away from something really bad happening to me or them, but even that would have bad rl consequences. Her behavior was totally erratic. She told me she did something to calm her down but it made her paranoid. Also she hasn’t taken her meds for mood and anxiety in several weeks (her own words). After a bit pleasant chat session in which I found out that she does need a lot of help in many ways and financially being one of them is the reason she came back. In the attempt to keel an already long story short I’ll skip talking about every detail that made the visit horrible and try to stick to alert worthy stuff. At a later point she found out that her friend that brought her had been pulled over and arrested and the two guys had her truck. She said they’re bad people but she had to go meet them because everything she owned was in the truck. The extended visit turned into a b&g and she had to leave. She said she’d make up a reason to meet them then get her stuff and get a room somewhere to stay for the night. At that point I was just glad the experience was over, so I thought. Early in the morning I started getting texts from her begging to see me again and how she needed money. I was on with my day so I didn’t respond. A few minutes later I receive a call from an unknown number and a vm was left. It was some rough thug sounding guy saying he hears I like to rough up women and I’ll be paying for what happened last night. Again I’m not worried because I’m smart enough and careful that my vehicle and personal info isn’t ever exposed in situations like this. But the next guy midge not and have someone meet him one day. Also I’m not worried about my reputation. 1 because I didn’t do anything to harm her and 2 because I’ve seen plenty of providers here and have been nothing but a gentlemen to them always. I’ve seen legends here and brand new girls alike and every one of them would have no problem seeing me again. Even the ones from out of town msg me to let me know when they are nearby. It was tough to write this because she seems like a good person who is jay in a really bad spot and chooses the wrong people to associate with and does need financial help, but she’s def not in a position where she should be hobbying right now and I don’t want me not warning people to be the reason someone has a bad thing happen to them.
badass06's Avatar
Damn thanks just in time I had been trying to see about see her .
JRod2's Avatar
  • JRod2
  • 08-23-2018, 02:32 PM
Man Bro, thanks for the heads up. Sorry this crap happened to you. I'm going to share with the STx crowd.
But how does she look?
tx Easy Rider's Avatar
But how does she look? Originally Posted by tallwhiteguycc
*not pleasant chat session *keep *might *just (not jay)
lol damn not having time to review it before pushing send.

Looks aren’t bad, but lots of acne and not just on face. And she sent a few pics, only one was similar to her current appearance.
*not pleasant chat session *keep *might *just (not jay)
lol damn not having time to review it before pushing send.

Looks aren’t bad, but lots of acne and not just on face. And she sent a few pics, only one was similar to her current appearance.
ladiesmane's Avatar
Thanks for the heads up.
tpepsi's Avatar
Stay strong and move on to the next one.
Well damn!